I am attending the DeSantis rally in Clearwater starts at 6:30. He's coming to help our MAGA endorsed congressional candidate. While Trump helps our Senate candidate in S.FLA at 7:00 pm
I agree the public appearance of separation is real. Pompeo be posturin' too; says he runs no matter who else is in the race. Desantis VP for Pompeo??? All stops being pulled to beat 45, wouldn't surprise me at all [they] abandon blue and go all-in RINO. We all know how much our vote counts, unless you've forgotten. It can be made to happen.
I am attending the DeSantis rally in Clearwater starts at 6:30. He's coming to help our MAGA endorsed congressional candidate. While Trump helps our Senate candidate in S.FLA at 7:00 pm
I agree the public appearance of separation is real. Pompeo be posturin' too; says he runs no matter who else is in the race. Desantis VP for Pompeo??? All stops being pulled to beat 45, wouldn't surprise me at all [they] abandon blue and go all-in RINO. We all know how much our vote counts, unless you've forgotten. It can be made to happen.
Pompeo Clip
Rick Scott on Desantis
MSM Story Donors flooding Desantis
MSM Rag - Trump takes a shot at Desantis re-truthing clip.
And of course, Desantis' O'dea endorsement called "Big Mistake" by 45. Very directly, 45 calls O'dea RINO.
Megan Kelly has it nailed (from 2:0 to 4:35): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCSIGNEAWd0
MSM are really trying to make you believe Ron and Don are not getting along… rumors DeSantis will run against POTUS in 2024 trying to split the ticket
Well their MO is to divide; Families. Companies. Genders. Religion. Race. Countries…….
Don and Ron 2024.
Get through the midterms with separation, DeSantis comes into PDJT's orbit after. Possible Trump/DeSantis ticket incoming?
DeSantis needs to stay put in florida.
I think DeSantis still has a role to play in all this, and for optics they can’t appear to be friends.
Rumours that De Santis and tulsi gabbard might team up for 2024. Just passing on info I’ve heard.
That's was just scuttle butt in here. Rumor or conjecture.