As I went through the morning's news (via telegram. It's already afternoon of Nov 1 here at Fractal central), I saw a very interesting post from Seth H. (Man In America):
From a friend on the ground in #brazil:
“Everyone here saying fraud. Same story different nation. The media doesn’t want to put #BOLSONARO on TV so he is doing a speech at 5:00 on Twitter “@JairBolsonaro”
Just heard they already proved Bolsonaro won 65% and is being silent because people will be going to prison. Brazilian army involved.”
@KarliBonne @jsolomonreports @SteveBannon @JackPosobiec @BolsonaroSP
#brasil #bolsonaroreeleito2022
This got me thinking on a few things.
One, how interesting is it that the Brazil election was scheduled for just before the US Midterms? (I have no idea how they decide these things, but the timing is ... dasting.)
Two, Bolsenaro had such massive support last year. Clearly very popular, and Brazillians do big numbers even better than the Americans (imo).
Photos of some of the mega-rallies in Brazil last year. (unconfirmed) (saucysauce: Poseibic on telegram)
Combined with the reported (but unconfirmed) possible speech broadcast by Bolsenaro on Twitter, the combination of these various factors produced a speculative reflection in my fractal brain:
The Task At Hand
How do you get the American public, and the World, to accept the idea that a Cabal of evil megalomaniacs could rig an American election, put in power a complete puppet and essentially hijack/steal the entire USA government?
It's just too out of left field for normies. Frankly, it's almost incomprehensible for the normie way of thinking. 7 years ago, I myself would have NEVER imagined this was truly, actually possible. To be honest, I was still pretty shell-shocked in February of 21 that they actually 'got away with this'. (NB We know more clearly now that they didn't get away with it, but in Feb 21, there was a lot of confusion in the ranks).
The idea of such a massive election fraud and crime - in the USA of all places - is probably incomprehensible to 95%+ of 'educated' humanity, certainly almost all of mainstream population in the so-called developed Western World. These 'educated' populations have been gas-lit and programmed by the Cabal's propaganda agents for decades.
What to do?
How do you get an entire population to accept an idea that decades of programming and deception have made seem essentially impossible?
In order to avoid as much cognitive dissonance as possible, you would have to perform a massive re-framing. In other words, you would have to provide a framework of thinking that is in such contrast with the existing, entrenched one that it 'shakes loose' the foundations of the former framework, and opens the population to questioning what they have heretofore accepted as irrefutable.
At the same time, you would have to introduce the new idea in steps, gradual steps, to embed it in the midst of the now broken old framework so that it can actually take root and grow in the newly forming framework so that ultimately it is accepted in a manner that is as least traumatizing as possible.
(Trauma takes place when a situation or circumstances are at such contrast with the current state of being that a sort of mental/emotional/spiritual whiplash is generated, with terrible consequences)
In summary, you would need to provide the population with a very different but concrete reality / framework, plus introduce the idea in a gradual manner, as organically or naturally as possible, ideally over time.
Conceptually, one might view these two aspects as interacting something like an X and Y axis that could be used to map out the process:
Horizontally (spatially) a new, formerly unbelievable yet undeniable framework + Vertically (sequentially) gradual steps in bringing the idea (and the concepts of the idea) into the conscious mental space.
The Spatial Framework (e.g. X axis)
Think about how monumental it is, in the face of normie public thinking, that DJT has NOT yielded one single inch since Nov 3 that the Election was actually stolen, and this despite the fake, propaganda arms constantly trying to paint the fact as "the Big Lie" and DJT as 'dangerous'. What kind of cajones does it take to stand as a lighthouse of truth in the wake of an ENTIRE world of attack? DJT is not just the US's greatest President. He is a model and rallying point for Truth Tellers and Freedom Fighters around the world!
Then, Brandon the Disaster. On one hand, DJT stands strong, unyielding. On the other, Biden and his Regime have been so disastrous, so incompetent, so destructive to the daily life of Americans, so reckless in terms of fermenting or facilitating WAR, that this alone must be shocking to many Americans.
Add to this crazy things happening. Covid19 insanity. Lockdowns. Masks. Mandates. Forced injections. Threatened livelihoods. Followed up by collapsed narrative.
Propaganda Media Capitulates on Covid Scam, Pleads for Amnesty
In the meantime, LGBTQIPONSHFIW$(@X+ activism gone insane on steroids. Men pretending to be women, but ALSO the actual US govt SUPPORTING this!! Kids being groomed, media pretending it's all so normal.
More insanity. Any thinking normie has to be shaking his head wondering WTF is going on?
All of this adds up to an unprecedented assault on the preconceived notions of Joe and Jane Regular as to what is actually possible in this world. It has become harder and harder for regular folks to maintain the view a) that things are actually normal and b) that the unthinkable is simply impossible.
In other words, what used to be 'the normal, real world' around the programmed masses has become a crazy, unwieldy, mind-boggling beast. This sets the stage for people to be woken up out of the programming that has been painstakingly laid into them (us) for decades.
The Sequential Flow (e.g. Y axis)
I mentioned that getting the population to accept the formerly inconceivable idea would require a gradual introduction.
With the current goings on in Brazil, the following thought/framework occured to me, re: (potential) Instances of Resolution of Election Fraud. What if?
Stage One - Myanmar
1 February, 2021, barely some 10 days after the (kek) inauguration of President [sic] Biden, the military in Myanmar, formerly Burma, rolled into the capital and deposed the elected [sic] government on the justification that election fraud had occurred and the so-called elected government was fraudulent.
(insert myanmar coup gif)
Ref: Independent.Ie: Myanmar extends Suu Kyi’s prison term to 26 years
As far as I know, sanctions are in place by mostly Western countries, but I guess the world has had bigger problems since Covid19 and Brandon was inaugurated.
Regardless of anything else, the accusation of Election Fraud and the continued operation of Myanmar under a regime/govt that raised and have since maintained that accusation are a factor highlighting "Election Fraud" and one form of resolution.
(Meanwhile the propaganda war continues)
Stage Two - Brazil
What if Bolsenaro expected and prepared for Election Fraud, allowed them to go ahead, and is right now taking steps to resolve it by speaking and appealing directly to the people, backed by military support and intervention? That would be very interesting.
The idea that Bolsenaro might broadcast a speech via Twitter is doubly interdasting, as this would certainly be possible now that Twitter is 'under new management' that is disinclined to censor speech in favor of the Globalist or Marxist agenda.
Curious timing.
The idea that an election might be completely fraudulent and an entire government ushered in by such means is something that the Western nations have always thought only possible in a "third world country".
And, as such, what better locations to put up an example of resolving a national-level election fraud than a 'third world' South-East Asian nation or a formerly 'third world' country in South America, where there have been plenty of military takeovers, jauntas and despotic regimes over the past century?
Stage Three - USA
Hasn't DJT constantly been emphasizing that the US has become a banana republic, like a third world country?
What if there was an orchestrated plan by the White Hats (Intl) to lay 2 x precedents of the resolution of massive, national-level election Fraud, using places like Myanmar first and then Brazil second?
Wouldn't that make the entire idea of "The US election was also stolen, and it has to be resolved in X manner" somewhat more acceptable, or at least, not a completely foreign concept to America and the World?
The timing of everything going on makes me wonder if this isn't what is happening right now.
Bolsenaro / Trump similarities, Anti-globalist policies
Brandon disaster increasing day by day (Shaking concepts of Americans, World)
Russia moving to resolve Ukraine (Cabal logistical HQ directly attacked)
The rise of BRICS to prominence (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
DJT Team more and more openly embracing, and recognizing, Q and the Great Awakening
Twitter freed from Cabal control (Brazil ranked 5th nation in terms of pop. using twitter)
At this point, the idea the Brazilian situation is part of a larger plan is essentially just speculation. Time will tell if there is any veracity to these ideas. What takes place in Brazil over the coming days and weeks will likely tell us more.
Nonetheless, I find the idea of Myanmar > Brazil > USA rather tantalizing. Moreover, regardless of the speculative nature of this idea, I think the framework of [Spatial Framework + Sequential Flow] makes good sense in terms of how to essentially red-pill an entire population, if not world:
Shift the existing framework of reality that the populations have been relying on and entrenched in, and meanwhile Introduce an idea or ideas that slowly penetrate, in graduated steps, into the consciousness.(note)
Presto. It's almost like you could.... plan this.
You have more than you know.
We are in control.
Those awake can see.
Disclaimer: I'm not asserting that the Myanmar > Brazil > USA idea is actually what is taking place. I think the value in fleshing out speculations is that it tends to fire up the imagination, and opens the field for testing whether the ideas are solid or not. Counter-arguments or improved thinkings highly welcome.
(Note: in hindsight, re: shifting framework + gradually introduced ideas: I can see that this is exactly what happened to me over the course of my red-pilling re: the structures of the world. 1. Shifts in my established framework / understanding of how things are + 2. deep dives in rabbit holes that, over time, painted a very different picture. These two dimensions reinforced each other over time.)
Edit: typos
I emailed an online friend who is Brazilian last night, and asked her take on what happened and is happening there. I will post it below for anyone who is interested in a first hand account of the situation there:
We had a lot of problems in this election. It started when former President Lula was released, after having already been convicted of having participated in various corruption schemes. He has friends at the Supreme Court who got him out of prison. Bolsonaro spent four years being criticized and he was blamed for deaths in the pandemic, rising prices, even international criticism over the fires in the Amazon, with fires being common at a time of year due to the heat. Those who lives here know that during the rainy season, which lasts for half of the year, then everything goes green again. I can't fail to mention that they sabotaged Bolsonaro's campaigns, the Supreme Court banned some radio stations and newspapers from saying that Lula is corrupt, that he was arrested and "uncondemned". They also banned the media from saying that Lula supports the dictatorships of Cuba, Venezuela and Norway. Lula really wanted to return to the government to continue his robberies and he deceived many humble people. And he had a lot of help for that. Truck drivers are blocking the roads demanding that the army take over the country as they fear the communist threat that has already invaded almost every country in the Americas. The feeling is of revolt due to impunity and still being able to return to power. Lula won with just 2 million more votes than Bolsonaro, so we have a totally divided country. On the one hand, we fear the threat posed by Lula's government, which has already recruited the same thieves to take over the government with him. On the other hand, we know that if the army takes over, Brazil would become destabilized and we would lose much more. This is a "small" summary of what is happening. The fact is that Bolsonaro and half of the Brazilian population are being wronged and with the help of the national and international media.
Deus abençoe e Brasil.
Yes, apparently they have not heard about the cheat machines yet.
I just wrote her back and opened her eyes to the wonderful world of cheat algorithms in voting machines.
I doubt they have heard a word there about anything that has been going on here the last 2 years. It's blocked on all social media, and the MSM says nothing about it except, "the big lie."
And they making the cheat as close to 50/50 as possible is by design to divide the people even further.
Based Brazilians refusing to concede to a Communist in spite of not even knowing about the election fraud scheme. It's the duty of Patriots to not consent to treasonous leadership regardless of whether election fraud is present or not.
sounds almost exactly like the US to be fair!