Fuck you. No.
Also, look at this narcissistic abuse:
The abusers want to grant themselves amnesty from their victims. The abusers also want us to believe that they were just “in the dark” *with* us, rather than the fact that they were the ones perpetrating the abuse including mass formation.

God taught us to forgive. We shall only once every sin has been exposed, every greed is common knowledge. Once everything is repaid and every sinner in charge has willingly been removed, then we can go on.
Yeah. Let justice run its course… trials, sentences, etc…. Then we’ll talk about forgiveness.
You can forgive them all you want, I never will.
I think this is huge lesson that he's trying to teach us.
The level of evil is astounding. Can we forgive? Justice is necessary to do so I think. That's why I believe it is coming.