The funny thing to think about is the design team sitting around a table wanting to draw a pregnant man, that won't get confused for a woman so they draw a mustache on the man to decrease the chances of the pregnant man being mistaken for a pregnant women while increasing the chances of pissing someone off in the lgbtqia21666+÷-1 community.
It is such a pathetic charade. They are doing so much damage to the minds of our Children. The Orchestrators really need to be rounded up and moved away from the general population. I say put them all in Tiny House villages. Let them live lives away from the honest hives of society.
Jesus. They all look like fat fucks with huge beer guts with a bad case of gastroenteritis. "Don't trust that fart! It's more than you thought and now you shart!"
That is a strange anomaly.
The funny thing to think about is the design team sitting around a table wanting to draw a pregnant man, that won't get confused for a woman so they draw a mustache on the man to decrease the chances of the pregnant man being mistaken for a pregnant women while increasing the chances of pissing someone off in the lgbtqia21666+÷-1 community.
It is such a pathetic charade. They are doing so much damage to the minds of our Children. The Orchestrators really need to be rounded up and moved away from the general population. I say put them all in Tiny House villages. Let them live lives away from the honest hives of society.
They aren't pregnant. They ate too much chipotle before gay sex.
Mostly so ppl will actually think they are actual men! HA!
Freddy Mercury approves
Too bad his lifestyle killed him, he was a fantastic singer.
Nope, just pictures of my Ex(liberal AF) daughter in law. Only, they didn't fully capture her chin hairs...
Everyone is getting the picture wrong, it’s just a dad bod pride emoji. That dude has a nice shelf. He’s led a beer filled life, which I won’t judge.
Apple emoji does not have mustaches on these things
Jesus. They all look like fat fucks with huge beer guts with a bad case of gastroenteritis. "Don't trust that fart! It's more than you thought and now you shart!"
Moobs too.
could be women of certain genetic composiion...
Looks OK to me.
Which platform are these images from?
I saw it on I don't use emojis at all.
Makes sense in a way, since chicks with mustaches tend to have a hard time getting pregnant. Science is amazing.
Shit pain emoji