The people who took the clotshots worship science more than God's perfect natural immune system protections and natural God-made medicines.
The clotshot separates the people who trust God's creation and the people who don't. Trump obviously couldn't stop the Vaccines, but he was able to prevent vaccines from being mandatory for people and teach us discernment. Q said vaccines were for depopulation purposes. So Trump endorses Q and Q's antivax stance while being forced to endorse the vax so that antivaxxers and him aren't labeled as terrorists like the cabal had planned.
What's worse? Republicans including Trump labeled as terrorists for being antivax and being sent to concentration camps to all be slaughtered or to let people who trust vaccines obviously made by satanists to die because they didn't trust the Lord's perfect natural healing systems?
God can be on Trump's side even if there are casualties in this war. The best will survive and create a paradise on Earth.
We live in biblical end of times days. The vaccine simply separates the wheat from the chaff like the bible predicted the end of days would. What does that mean? "to judge which people or things in a group are bad and which ones are good."
Welcome to reality. War isn't quick and clean like the movies brainwashed us to believe.
This is one of the harshest truths I have ever had to accept. All my siblings are vaxxed. All I can do is make a documentary for the covid vaxxers, teaching them to heal naturally and stop taking vaccines. That's what I'm doing. A covid vaccine documentary for the most brainwashed covid vaxxers.
If you are excited about a covid vaccine that actually targets the brainwashed vaxxers demographic with undeniable evidence that it's a bioweapon while providing all the health information that can help them heal, I'll be updating people on the progress of that here:
The documentary is free and designed for the sole purpose of saving the 5 billion vaccinated people.
(All the other covid vaccine documentaries either cost money or are just designed to preach to the choir of already unvaccinated people.)
It is blasphemous to suggest that Trump is a savior. There is only one Savior and that is Jesus Christ the Son of God. I support Trump as the only viable option to bring down the Deep State but I cannot support or accept any explanation for his touting the vax after it was generally known to be harmful. We will have to see how things turn out but the OP is correct we are in the end times.
I believe the biblical account of things to come i.e. that an Antichrist (living in the world today) ascends to power, deceives many and that there will be a great tribulation on earth followed by the second coming and the millennial rule of Christ on earth. I also believe that Jesus will gather His saints to be with Him at the rapture (there is much disagreement on when that occurs among bible scholars). My personal believe is that the saints will be spared the full brunt of the Great Tribulation but that we should be prepared to be persecuted for being a Christian before the Rapture takes place. At any rate, I have a great peace in knowing that my eternal destiny has been decided and no matter what happens in this wicked world, I know that I have an eternal home in the Kingdom of God. I always urge people that have not already done so, to accept Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior - it is the only way to avoid the wages of sin. God bless.
Where did he suggest that?
He didn't but I'm saying that it is.
Ah okay. Also I think it was Archbishop Vigano who wrote a letter to Trump stating his belief that Trump was "The Restrainer" mentioned in the Bible, a person/group(?) which holds off the new world order for a time.
I admire Trump for what he is doing - I certainly couldn't take the abuse that he has. He seems to thrive on it. I think there has been Divine protection for him as I'm sure the Deep State would like to assassinate him (and have probably tried many times).
Huh? Is this in the Bible?
A good point. Personally I'm not a fan of the Geotus label (not that it was posted above), but that mindset is not healthy in my opinion. First off, we need to save ourselves with the help of God, not rely on any earthly entity.
The Geotus label was a joke to poke fun at the liberals that were Reeeing all around like chickens with their heads cut off when they heard about it. No one here worships Trump. We are grateful and supportive because he is taking all the focus of the DS/media and big tech. The amount of negativity directed at him is incredible and virtually no one else in the world could endure what he has and remain sane. The folks that were able to resist taking the vax, regardless of the pressure and consequences got a small taste of what Trump has endured. Hero worship and celebrity is not anywhere close to deification. As far as I am concerned, Trump is like General Patton. A man with a huge ego that does what is necessary and right, regardless of the cost. A man that that has taken this responsibility knowing failure would mean a certain and horrible death for him, his family and his friends.
This discussion has occurred before.
Capitalization matters.
There are many gods mentioned in history around the world, but only one God.
Trump is a god among men. He is not God.
Trump can be a savior of western civilization without being the Savior of humankind.
The common noun savior exists. Its use constitutes blasphemy only in the minds of individuals.
The savior trap warning is noted. Clearly this movie is interactive, and we all have to participate if we want to win on a faster timeline. Waiting for an Earthly savior, no matter who we think he is ain't gonna cut it because I need to see victory over evil in my lifetime. God and any savior he sends is on his own timeline.
You can't accept That he touted the vax. Then forgive him.