353 Caturd - "They thought it was funny. Therefore, my give a Damn’s busted." (files.catbox.moe) posted 2 years ago by GDZeus 2 years ago by GDZeus +353 / -0 17 comments share 17 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Lost job today. But getting paid until Febuary. What a bunch of whiney bitches.
in fairness to them, what are they honestly qualified to do for their next job? and they know it
Meditation and Onlyfans.
you're right. and always the possible career in politics, as an FBI/CIA patsy or even a crisis actor
They can go be monks in Tibet.
Learn to coal mine. I hear Germany is ripping down a wind farm to open a new coal mine. They can migrate there.
Here's the deal...the WHINY Bitches will be facing HARD time because San Fran is NOT where it is at...they will soon find out...INDIA and TEXAS...MAYBE!!! Just sayin'!!!
Why would Musk pay them until Feb if he fired them? Was it in their employee contracts that they get paid for 4 months if they get fired?
California has a law that you have to give employees months of notice before a large layoff. Commies.
Catturd TS: https://truthsocial.com/@catturd2/posts/109286759831926564
Cat be spittin' mad.
They should get worse than fired. Fuck em. SCUM and I don't even use Twitter.
Learn to code..... oh wait .. you already did. Lol
WELL Written and VERY Much on Point...OUTSTANDING!!!
My GAF has gone south when the fruit cakes were crying...should have thought about deplatforming CONSERVATIVE VOICES FIRST!!!!!!
Gives them plenty of time to apply at Farcebook.