I can only tell you how I found it and the tldr is you don't think of it you feel it. Creativity is subconscious and affective.
The phrase "stable genius" just sounded or felt off to me, forced and a little awkward. I mean normally you'd use an adjective like "super" or "exceptional" to modify "genius" with an adjective but those were post hoc identifications because initially I just felt it. I know Trump had used that description in the past and I thought he was just poking the MSM in the eye to counter the "Trump is crazy" narrative the MSM was pushing at the time.
Purely based on feeling, I thought that the term "stable genius" had to have some kind of meaning. I thought maybe it was a Q reference but that seemed unlikely because it was already out there and probably would have been found by now. So I punched the term into an online anagram calculator and started scrolling through the results (a huge number by the way). Fortunately the result I found started with an "a" so I struck gold pretty quick.
In any case, to answer your question (how to be creative) my advice is to write down your dreams every morning in a journal and also cut back on your caffeine use and most importantly, pay attention to how things make you feel, not what you think. Thinking follows feeling.
The problem with caffeine is it makes you feel awake because it activates the flight/fight endocrine system so it is like you are in a chronic state of fear physiologically. I don't think a Starbucks on every corner was an accident and probably part of the DS plan to destroy America. The epidemic is fear.
Caffeine also disrupts sleep even at low doses. I started to drink coffee at 12-13yo and have tried to quit a few times but my mind just can't function without it now. I have been slowly reducing the amount of caffeine and it has helped me sleep better, dream better and more calm.
I’m a multi-instrumentalist (guitar and piano) and producer
I'm so jealous. My main hobby was riding my motorcycle but I had to sell due to a bad back. I've been looking for another hobby and I am thinking of taking up guitar. I've never played an instrument but have always wanted to.
I like the idea of writing down the dreams. Sounds like a good way to expand the mind.
Give it a shot, your dreams are more important than you know. It is a peak into your subconscious which is >50% of you. You have to jot notes as soon as you wake up though because they fade so quickly once you are fully awake. Good luck.
Tuesday is when he is supposed to speak.
How do people on this board think if this stuff? I wouldn’t even think to look at that as an anagram.
Weaponized autism.
I can only tell you how I found it and the tldr is you don't think of it you feel it. Creativity is subconscious and affective.
The phrase "stable genius" just sounded or felt off to me, forced and a little awkward. I mean normally you'd use an adjective like "super" or "exceptional" to modify "genius" with an adjective but those were post hoc identifications because initially I just felt it. I know Trump had used that description in the past and I thought he was just poking the MSM in the eye to counter the "Trump is crazy" narrative the MSM was pushing at the time.
Purely based on feeling, I thought that the term "stable genius" had to have some kind of meaning. I thought maybe it was a Q reference but that seemed unlikely because it was already out there and probably would have been found by now. So I punched the term into an online anagram calculator and started scrolling through the results (a huge number by the way). Fortunately the result I found started with an "a" so I struck gold pretty quick.
In any case, to answer your question (how to be creative) my advice is to write down your dreams every morning in a journal and also cut back on your caffeine use and most importantly, pay attention to how things make you feel, not what you think. Thinking follows feeling.
NB: I'm not autistic, btw.
I drink a lot of caffeine. It’s become so normalized in my life and I definitely use it as a crutch.
I’m a multi-instrumentalist (guitar and piano) and producer, but I like the idea of writing down the dreams. Sounds like a good way to expand the mind
The problem with caffeine is it makes you feel awake because it activates the flight/fight endocrine system so it is like you are in a chronic state of fear physiologically. I don't think a Starbucks on every corner was an accident and probably part of the DS plan to destroy America. The epidemic is fear.
Caffeine also disrupts sleep even at low doses. I started to drink coffee at 12-13yo and have tried to quit a few times but my mind just can't function without it now. I have been slowly reducing the amount of caffeine and it has helped me sleep better, dream better and more calm.
I'm so jealous. My main hobby was riding my motorcycle but I had to sell due to a bad back. I've been looking for another hobby and I am thinking of taking up guitar. I've never played an instrument but have always wanted to.
Give it a shot, your dreams are more important than you know. It is a peak into your subconscious which is >50% of you. You have to jot notes as soon as you wake up though because they fade so quickly once you are fully awake. Good luck.
Right?! 😂 There’s a lot of genius here at GAW.