During the broadcast on the Friday (or thereabouts) before the election, Monkey Werx said he was getting ready to leave for a two-week vacation to Israel and wouldn't be posting anything during that time. I've checked several times and haven't seen anything new yet.
I just checked his last video 10/26 and at beginning he says he’ll be back in 3 weeks then “buckle up, and I pray nothing changes between now and then although I suspect things will go a little crazy before I get back”
Almost 6am on the east coast and back to nothing transmitting. Very bizarre...
Planefags, ever seen this before?
Was like this from at least 9pm est Friday night to mid Saturday morning, too.
Literally never. Monkeywerx on this or what?
During the broadcast on the Friday (or thereabouts) before the election, Monkey Werx said he was getting ready to leave for a two-week vacation to Israel and wouldn't be posting anything during that time. I've checked several times and haven't seen anything new yet.
Super convenient that Monkey is taking vacation during literally the most important two weeks of the year for his expertise. Smells fishy.
perhaps whitehats contacted him and say hey bro, can you chill for a few weeks
A vacation to the Rothschild colony as well of all things.
And to Israel no less.
He also speaks at lenghth about biblical holy land. Pretty sure he is not there fir the little hat crowd seems like anyway
I just checked his last video 10/26 and at beginning he says he’ll be back in 3 weeks then “buckle up, and I pray nothing changes between now and then although I suspect things will go a little crazy before I get back”
He knows.
Sounds suspect, a vacation when there is radio silence!
Do you ever notice that all of these "Truthers" take the same days off?
...too many eyes on since MW, situational awareness now being guarded