Communists Play Smash-Mouth: Laxalt Announced Dem Opponent Would Have to Get an Impossible 63% of Remaining Ballots to Win - THE...
Once again — A popular, attractive, honest, and competent Republican candidate had his race taken from him after several days of delayed vote counting. This time it was Adam Laxalt in Nevada. Laxalt led the polls and had a good election day turnout. He led...
If you didn’t see this coming then you must be vaccinated.
It's always just enough. Always.
nothing to see here, move right along.
we knew this shit was coming, now what are we gonna do about it?
Not sure about you... I'm going to continue to trust the plan! NCSWIC
In case you didn't yet realize it, "the plan" is to teach us to stand up for ourselves. We must save ourselves, or at least it must look like it. The end result must be for We The People to feel empowered or we will just become the happy slaves of some other group of the Elite.
"The Plan" is also to teach us what the real battlefield is. The REAL war is being fought in the Minds of Men. The media is the main enemy, or at least the enemy's front line. It is in our minds, and against the trust people place in the media and government where the battle is being fought. Through our investigations, and reports, and memes, etc. we become empowered to think for ourselves, and we learn how to show that the Media is the enemy and not the truth.
If you "trust the plan," then you must take active part in it, because that is The Plan.
Sounds like soft incitement but OK.
Hence Q saying "The only way is the military."
There is nothing "soft" about it. It is a hard incitement to take action. It's just not an action that leads to a "hot" war. A Hot War inevitably leads to a loss. The only way to win this war is through understanding who the real enemy is, and understanding that the real battlefield is in the Minds of Men.
"Military is the only way" doesn't mean that people need to see the military take action. It doesn't mean they need to see the military be "saviors." It is essential that people see that they are the real power. Once enough people recognize their own self-worth; once enough people recognize that they are the Kings and Queens of their own life, and recognize the fraud that we call "Government" (in the Centralized Authority sense we understand the term today), is the moment that we win. This won't be accomplished with swords (or guns), but with words, with information, with deprogramming The Minds of Men.
You first.
Please see my report. There is much more to come. It has helped thousands over on Reddit (Superstonk) see the real enemy. Once I get it finished I will work on disseminating it to, hopefully millions.
These people never learn, you don’t tell democrats how much they need to win, they find ballots to win. It’s these political strategists who are stupid. Democrats are playing chess all their own.
Do not concede.
We need to peacefully protest at all military bases so that the Military understands that we do not accept the stolen election results and that the Military has a constitutional obligation to defend the country from this insurrection.
He didn't concede, did he?
Another bombshell must read investigative report by The Conservative Tree house.
WOW...NOW who is being the "seer" in this?????? 63% and BOOM!!!