Maybe it is worth some bucks now, not that it didn't cost a lot when purchased, if you don't mind taking Federal Reserve dollars for it, if and when they are offered.😀
Yep ... An apple iie base system is worth around $200 these days ... More if you have the peripherals (disk drives, monitor, printer, strange ass expansion cards)
First computer I've ever own was an Amiga! But the first computer I've used was the Apple IIe at school where I was doing Oregon Trail and Math Crunch or Chomp? I forgot what it was back then but it was the one where the alien came on Earth or wherever it was and it was munching away the correct numbers I entered.
My first was a Timex-Sinclair, which I still own, along with the 16KB memory pack, manual, cable, and a cassette tape of programs I wrote. I learned BASIC on that one, as well as Z80 machine language, as it had the same processor as the TRS-80.
At least I still have my Panasonic 3D0! Too bad I sold my Atari Jaguar 64 a long time ago!
I still have my very first computer stored away. An Apple IIe. First and only Apple I have ever owned.
The only reason I still have it is it is lost somewhere in my pole barn storage area. I havent actually set eyes on it since 1984 or so.
Maybe it is worth some bucks now, not that it didn't cost a lot when purchased, if you don't mind taking Federal Reserve dollars for it, if and when they are offered.😀
Yep ... An apple iie base system is worth around $200 these days ... More if you have the peripherals (disk drives, monitor, printer, strange ass expansion cards)
I'd.hold onto it ... They keep going up in value.
First computer I've ever own was an Amiga! But the first computer I've used was the Apple IIe at school where I was doing Oregon Trail and Math Crunch or Chomp? I forgot what it was back then but it was the one where the alien came on Earth or wherever it was and it was munching away the correct numbers I entered.
My first was a Timex-Sinclair, which I still own, along with the 16KB memory pack, manual, cable, and a cassette tape of programs I wrote. I learned BASIC on that one, as well as Z80 machine language, as it had the same processor as the TRS-80.
Ah, the 3DO ... what a system that was for the time :-) .
I was actually going to post "Atari Jaguar" instead of Nintendo Virtual Boy! :-)
Yeah I still have some of the 3D0 games like Road Rash, Way of the Warrior, Samurai Shodown and Gex the Gecko!