As I said, I'd do two "cooking" posts. The first was about cooking in general, and how the Cabal view us as Feeders and Livestock for use in labor and for meat.
This one is gonna be about Spirit Cooking, what it signifies spiritually, and how to know if you're being cooked right now...
Cooking the Spirit
Like I said yesterday, Cooking is the act of acquiring a base, adding ingredients, heating things up, and then consuming the product.
Chefs and Cooks do this. Cooks are influencers, while Chefs are personalities.
Which is to say, Cooks follow recipes while Chefs make recipes. That's the primary distinction. Cooks know what tastes good but Chefs can bend flavors to their whim. Chefs can take things that shouldn't be able to coexist in a single dish and have it somehow magically work out.
So, while there is Spirit Cooking, there's also a step above -- those who don't just Cook the Spirit, but go a step beyond and write the recipes.
If we're gonna get Biblical -- Lucifer is a Chef and all his minions are his Cooks. He crafts the recipes, and authors the Sins, while his Cooks go forth and source the ingredients, heat them up, and disseminate them to his Legions.
Again, YOU are the base. You are the livestock which is sacrificed to this end. These demons take your body, heat it up, carve it up, and graft upon it all sorts of "delectable" spices and herbs to make your ultimate end all the more savory.
Stress, depression, anxiety, nepotism, nihilism, narcissism...
Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, and Pride...
These are but a few of the herbs and spices for turning you into something more than just sustains these fiends. It turns you into their "Works of Art."
Like Jeffery Dahmer posing his "models"...
They cook your spirit and render you out until you're worthy to be served at their dinner table in hell.
Emulating the Process
Humans, too, can emulate this process, but our method requires a bit of tact. Like a family cooking in a hotel which prohibits it, you have to get crafty in how to cook things up. You can't have a stove, so grilled cheese sandwiches on using a clothes iron it is!
But what exactly do these "Spirit Cooks" do at these big get-togethers?
Well, what we see in their photo-shoots are just placeholders for the "main event." Photographic evidence of who was there and how great of a time they had to celebrate a "hard-earned" feast.
It's not just a cannibalism thing. They believe they are devouring another person's spirit. They believe they are consuming their life force, and that they can use that life force to emulate God's ability to create -- an ability they cast off when they adopted Evil into their own black hearts.
Let's take an aside for a moment and talk about Kobe Beef.
Kobe beef and Wagyu are terms that are too often used interchangeably. Although all Kobe beef can be classified as Wagyu, the term Wagyu itself can be used for a variety of different types of beef. Wagyu literally translates to mean “Japanese Cow”. However, Kobe beef must be of Tajima gyu genetics, born in the Hyogo prefecture, fed to a minimum of 26 months, and meet strict grading requirements.
Kobe beef is a brand of Wagyu, and the standards this brand follows are amazingly strict and precise. In order to qualify as Kobe Beef: The steer must be of the Tajima cattle breed, meaning a Japanese Black raised in the Hyogo prefecture in Japan. Cattle must be born, fed, and processed in the Hyogo prefecture. When graded, the score must be A4 or higher, with a BMS 6 or higher. The gross weight of beef produced from one animal must be 470 kgs, (~1,036 lbs) or less. Beef must be marked with a Japanese Chrysanthemum as part of their security system. Beef must have fine meat texture and excellent firmness.
When creating the crème de la crème of beef, you have to meet some very strict standards. To get the perfect marbling of fat and meat, you need to go above and beyond the standard. You need to monitor and rear the cattle like a first-born son, being there every step of the way to ensure it's the perfect offering for the Art of Cooking.
Beef so perfect that it can levitate a Chef's abilities and achieve even greater heights not thought possible by mere mortals.
So too is all this applicable to humans.
To be a Spirit Cook, you need to do the same as with Kobe Beef.
You need to raise a child to be a prince. To teach him how to rule, how to carry himself, how to be the perfect specimen. You build trust and offer a counterfeit love to convince them that they are cherished and prized. You teach them they are above reproach, that they are the few among Humanity destined to rule.
There are several ways to find this unblemished lamb. One is to take an orphan and promise it they will never feel so abandoned and betrayed again. You make good on that promise. Another is to sacrifice your own flesh and blood -- which is an even greater offering.
Finally, once they have been judged worthy, you take them high up to the top of the cliff, let them gaze upon all which they have been promised, and violently slit their throat.
Their blood is poured out and fertilizes the land. A burnt offering to the False Idols.
Children of Cain
This is what's done in Spirit Cooking. Their victims aren't just bums dragged off the street. They have access to those every day of the week. These offerings are above and beyond the norm, hence the pomp and circumstance of the events.
These events are times where they honor their false gods and offer up their prized, fattened calves.
They emulate the acts of Cain.
Cain and Abel offered their fruits to God. Cain offered wheat from his surplus, while Abel offered his firstborn flock.
God deemed Abel's sacrifice as the better of the two, not because it was living flesh but because Cain had offered up his surplus. His excess, and not the best of his yield.
Abel offered up his first-born, showing full faith that God would continue to bless him with a healthy and numerous flock.
That's why God refused Cain's offering. He wasn't bringing his best. He wasn't demonstrating Faith.
Out of spite, Cain then offered up Abel, his brother, as a sacrifice.
10 Again he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me, from the earth. - Genesis 4:10
Cain fed the blood to the earth, not to God, and so, the Children of Cain emulate this process in their Spirit Cooking. They make Abel's to sacrifice to false idols and false gods -- demons who revel in our hostility and malice towards one another. Offerings to that which is below, not above.
"Abort they Neighbor", so say the Enemy of Man
What's really being offered up is the potential of the individual. A potential cut down before its time.
That's why Abortion is so important to these assholes.
Spirit Cooking, Abortion, Usury...
They're all the same form of slavery. They're all the same form of sacrifice.
Demons love the scent of things being destroyed before their time. Things being reared into a trap and lustfully murdered. Whether it's a first born son, a prince, being sacrificed to Moloch like Anderson Cooper's brother...
Or millions of aborted children from Planned Parenthood's "clinics"...
They are offerings of things slain before their time...
With Spirit Cooking in particular, they rely on the energy and terror of one being brought up with great promises being cut short. As they stand there thinking they are about to be ordained a King or Queen, they are hastily tortured and viciously murdered at the Altar of Betrayal.
These monsters adore that pungent scent of confusion and horror as a mass of fiends tear at the "Golden Child" which was supposed to inherit the world. The thoughts going through that person's mind as they see their body being carved and eaten by wild mongrels... It's beyond comprehension...
That's what these filth work so tirelessly to build up...
That's the face of Pure Evil.
And we must not turn a blind eye when they eagerly flaunt their deeds...
Now... where do you think the red shoes come from?
There is a plan. A really old one.
They seek to delay their inevitable punishment indefinitely. To catch the World in a softlock. To freeze the seasons and the times in place, so that no more World events happen without their approval.
Astronomy/Astrology pays into this.
Also, think in terms of banking, debt, and usury.
One way to rule the World is to have all Movers, everyone with a Divine Spark, believe in a New World Order, and so it will be. To accomplish this, they sought to wrack up a tab so large that Mankind wouldn't be able to account for their sins.
That failed. Jesus paid off the debt of our sins in his blood.
Their Plan B is to reduce the population to a small population that's far more easily controlled. This is to make it impossible for people to find Salvation through Christ and work against them.
If they can squash people's Redemption through Christ, they can go back to Plan A.
That's why they want to "stop climate change"
Each season brings with it a time for things to take place. Spring is a time to plant, Summer a time to grow, Fall a time to harvest, and Winter a time to reflect.
If they can have their perpetual time of Harvest, then all things will be theirs to take.
To freeze the seasons and the movement of the Celestial Bodies such that they move only when they want them to.
That's their plan... To prevent the coming of God's Perpetual Kingdom by freezing the mind of Man in an inescapable Matrix.
The Bull of Heaven wishes to reign forever.
Chuck Missler says that in addition to everything else, before Jesus will return the Jewish people must repent and beg for Him to come back. He had a particular Bible verse to back this up
That really surprised me because if that's the key I think we'll be waiting a loooong time
Jesus is always here, but so long as one person exists that doesn't wish him to show his face, for the sake of that one person, he makes himself scarce.
If Jesus were to show himself to us in person, and force the world to bend the knee, then all will be lost. Only by coming to God through Jesus by our own Faith and Determination will we find salvation. Jesus revealing himself to us at this point in time will cause many to love God falsely, not of their own will.
God refuses to rob us of our own Free Will, even if it means we will slaughter ourselves. He Loves us so much that he won't doom us to be slaves to our eyes and ears instead of free agents which have found God on our own.
So, it is true. If we all gathered together in one place, and shared the same sentiment that Jesus be there among us, then he will. This is but one path for his second coming, but not the necessary one. It's the one which would please God to no end, but one he does not expect, just as a Father doesn't expect his children to do exactly as he has instructed.
Jesus alone is the Unblemished Lamb. All others have various sins and shortcomings that keep them from God. Jesus takes upon himself those shortcomings so that we may climb the face of the cliff and meet with him there in Heaven. Jesus is the sorry soul which had climbed the mountain, looked down upon all those struggling, and then cast himself back down in order to guide us towards the top taking the path he etched into the stone.
Only God the Father knows the time and the hour. It's something not even known to Jesus, unless revealed to him by the Father.
Which means it is not a set date. The Doings of Man, having met the proper criteria, will bring about the End Times. Whether it will be a tragedy or a comedy, is anyone's guess.
There are 2 triggers that I can think of for the Lord's return: 1. "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come (Matt. 24:14)." The "gospel of the kingdom" includes the gospel of grace, but it not only brings people into God's salvation but also in the kingdom of the heavens which emphasizes the heavenly ruling of God and the authority of the Lord. 2. "...the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready (Rev. 19:7)." It seems logical that the second one would be the result of the first one. While many Christians are waiting for the bus to carry them off to heaven, Christ is waiting for His Bride to make herself ready.
Check this video. I meant to send it to you earlier.
Lol. A bit obvious, wouldn't you say? This is referencing the four planets aligned right now, Saturn's prominence, and the Elu helping them to achieve their next new state.
Rocket Man, indeed.