Nah the normie will still be glued to their entertainment. Normie doesn’t care if the election was stolen or not. Normie only cares about basic needs and entertainment.
Correct. As dog shit as it currently is, it apparently needs to suck a lot worse to get the attention of normie buffoons.
I'm beginning to think that maximum awakeness was long ago reached. The level of suck required to wake up the still sleeping is at a level that cannot be recovered from. By the time these people wake up, DS have already won and its too late. Like Yuri said; "they only believe when military boot crashes their balls. by then, it is too late"
Nah the normie will still be glued to their entertainment. Normie doesn’t care if the election was stolen or not. Normie only cares about basic needs and entertainment.
Correct. As dog shit as it currently is, it apparently needs to suck a lot worse to get the attention of normie buffoons.
I'm beginning to think that maximum awakeness was long ago reached. The level of suck required to wake up the still sleeping is at a level that cannot be recovered from. By the time these people wake up, DS have already won and its too late. Like Yuri said; "they only believe when military boot crashes their balls. by then, it is too late"
100% fuck normies. They can get over it. Tired of having peoples lives ruined over their stupidity.
This. ^^^^
There is no DS winning. I need to stress this. This whole operation only goes live to us in 2017 if it is already OVER.