Time to get the real popcorn out tonight! What kind do you like/enjoy? Let's hear your special recipes/brands/tips on making your delightful bag of popcorn! It's go time!
This is some gourmet shit!

I hate popcorn. I guess I will remove myself from the entire Great Awakening movement before I am tarred and feathered. It's been a ride frens.
Maybe we'll use popcorn instead of feathers just to mess with you......
While I like popcorn, I refrain from eating it. We can have a popcorn haters anonymous Q meeting down the hall. kek
See ya there!
You can still hang around if you like beer.
Beer + popcorn = Dinner of Champions.
I'll consider popping open an antique bottle of tequila if the news is good enough.
True. Beer counts.
Sounds great to me! Maybe replace the blunt with a shot of something good though. Although (thinking emoji here).... kek!
😂🤣😂 That made me laugh out loud!