The Pentagon continues to fail Audits. This time auditors could not find 61% of $3.7 Trillion in Military assets. I recall right before 9/11, Don Rumsfield came out and said $ 2 trillion was missing. I have no problem with spending money on Defence. But do you know how much in Health Care could be paid? Or home many homeless and hungry men, women & children could help?
How many people does it take to cover for a federal audit....
Three buildings worth of people.
shots fired
The Pentagon continues to fail Audits. This time auditors could not find 61% of $3.7 Trillion in Military assets. I recall right before 9/11, Don Rumsfield came out and said $ 2 trillion was missing. I have no problem with spending money on Defence. But do you know how much in Health Care could be paid? Or home many homeless and hungry men, women & children could help?
Damn I thought the meme was pretty apparent on the Rumsfield connection, but I guess not lol...
Last five years? The Pentagon has been losing money by the trillions for decades now. Remember Rummy!
Deja vu!
Got a link, please? NVM. I found this one. 61% of assets could not be located.
take your pick
Well probably about 20% of it can be found on the black market in Kabul.
Some of it was most likely blown up or captured by Russians and some of it probably went to Govts in S America to buy all those illegal aliens.
Figure out where the paper trail is being kept and you'll discover a FF target.
Well, at least most people in America will be off work tomorrow. Let's hope white hats are on point.
I was like, again. Too bad they don't have a huge FF to Distract with? Maybe tomorrow???
fucking right. Buy more ammo.
Waiting for the claim they lost it in a boating accident 😳
If making mistakes were a good resume item, I should be making 6figures a year like 10 years ago. Fuck these clowns, gah.