Not so. They do not know better and some of them (several friends of mine) are PhDs and professors, like this woman, and attorneys. They are smart and worldly and successful and they have swallowed the elitist party line hook, line and sinker.
They have become outraged at me for disagreeing with them.
Lifetime friendships have dissolved.
However it now seems that Truth is wandering through the world and taking whoever he means to take with him.
I would rather wander alone in the desert the rest of my natural life secure in the knowledge that the "vaccines" were going to destroy people's health and kill them dead for many decades to come than be one of those sheep who see themselves as unable to be fooled.
Same experience. Several highly educated and highly successful former “friends” (phd’s, multi-million dollar business owners, lawyers, etc.) all took the clot shot. And they got super fucking angry anytime I tried to bring up the facts. We don’t talk anymore but I’d like to believe they are starting to see the writing on the wall.
These people know better than to really get the kill shot. Can only hope that these people are being purposely removed from society.
Not so. They do not know better and some of them (several friends of mine) are PhDs and professors, like this woman, and attorneys. They are smart and worldly and successful and they have swallowed the elitist party line hook, line and sinker.
They have become outraged at me for disagreeing with them.
Lifetime friendships have dissolved.
However it now seems that Truth is wandering through the world and taking whoever he means to take with him.
I would rather wander alone in the desert the rest of my natural life secure in the knowledge that the "vaccines" were going to destroy people's health and kill them dead for many decades to come than be one of those sheep who see themselves as unable to be fooled.
Same experience. Several highly educated and highly successful former “friends” (phd’s, multi-million dollar business owners, lawyers, etc.) all took the clot shot. And they got super fucking angry anytime I tried to bring up the facts. We don’t talk anymore but I’d like to believe they are starting to see the writing on the wall.
That was my first thought.