ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter on Telegram: "Elon now says he will just create his own phone if they attempt to shut him down. Elon has so much money that he can essentially cancel cancel culture. And guess who helped and empowered him to become as rich as he is."

If Tesla produces a hybrid muscle car or diesel hybrid I'd buy it lol.
What about an electric generator that could “roll coal” when your liberal neighbors were downwind? 🤔
I have owned a hybrid. Will gladly own one again or go hydrogen fuel cell. NOT ever going full electric.
Hybrid cars feel like driving a slug. Every time you feel it switch between the motor and electric drive is the worst feeling in the world with killing all of your launch.
My friend and I lyfted downtown last week for the trial (husband's company suing BASF) and it was a Tesla that picked us up. What a nice ride!! I drive a 2009 manual shift porsche cayenne and was at a light not too long ago. You could tell the Tesla next to me was gonna race me when the light turned green. I was all ready to slam it into first and take off but that damn Tesla was through the light before I got my foot on the clutch.