Watch this video:
On the left, over here, we have individuals who are religious …
… by spreading this virus we’re gonna elemininate …
… present tests we’ve done so far … respiratory viruses, … coronaviruses
Imagine that the same presentation was sold to the satanists. What would they do?
Do you remember Pfizer’s CEO saying “Yes, it’s a gene therapy but we have to call it vaccine because no one would buy gene therapy”?
It wasn’t just about selling the vaxx, because they sell it to the governments, not to us. It was about convincing us to take it and we take it when we’re scared, then we “buy” it.
Q post 4966:
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.
New Q 4966 is referring to God’s gene, which satanists are trying to remove.
Flip “9” in the post number upside down. What you can see? 4666? FO(u)R 666? Is Q trolling the satanists?
Read more:
- spirituality provides an evolutionary advantage by providing individuals with an innate sense of optimism*
If they want the population to be afraid so people rely on them - the optimism doesn’t support their agenda: next and next vaxx, zombies closed at home, voting via email, not talking to others, everyone downloading news from the TV directly to their brains.
All world DNA database:
- The company is run by Anne Wojcicki:
- who is wife of Google founder Sergey Brin:
- and sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki:
The genes that cure are brought forward by fasting. The western poison diet is the trigger that suppresses Autophagy.
Read Genesis 25 to get a basic understanding of what's going on. Special attention to Gen 25:34.
The Lord our God gave humanity dominion over the earth. The Deceiver is working to get us to voluntarily surrender that dominion.
Which Satan is trying to remove
Brin divorced Wojcocky in 2015, remarried, had another kid and is already divorced, naturally, like all these billionaire creeps. Marry have kid cheat divorce remarry cheat have more kids divorce have more kids out of wedlock remarry cheat divorce. How disgusting!
Some elements of this lifestyle sound encouraging: … have more kids, … have more kids, … have more kids.
When all those kids get is watching their various part-families and non-families continually breaking up alongside whatever darker activities their spoiling parents/half parents/adoptive parents/single parent participate in, it loses the purpose of replenishing the earth.
It worries me when (((these))) people have kids
THAT is the "Mark of the Beast"....
But I do believe that once a person is saved, they are always saved. There were lots of Christians who got the shot because they were afraid...
The god gene is a psyop. Theres no way anyone or anything that that can separate a man from Christ.
If they alter your intelligently designed DNA, are you still man?
All in the Family was cancelled a while back wasn't it? Time to do it again.
You can't take any notice of bill gates..he isn't even a doctor never mind talking about removing god gene..he means the worship gene the aliens are said to have put in.
So much bs around....