Disney movie openly display "We Love You Satan"
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That was a bit too organised! Very intentional.
They don't care about being subtle any more.
Openly flaunt this.
I believe they no longer care now that their little secret is on full color display.
I agree, they are certainly doubling down on how they project their message.
Of all the "accidental" combinations that can occur when using 5 letters, that is the combination that "just happened" to come up? Not buying it.
Oops, like Biden just shitting his pants kind of oops. LOL
When you "love Satan", you'll get to spend eternity with him. Beware!
Exchanging current life for eternity is very stupid. LOL
Anyone have more of the scene? Like do any of the characters react to this? This is obviously supposed to be a 'joke', Haha the silly kids spelled satan by accident, how adorable. But if this just happens without commentary, it makes the subversion even creepier.
I would expect that yes there would be some subsequent reaction of comedic shock or embarrasment.
This is part of the soft sell in esoteric twilight entrainment.
Think of ALL the irreverant comedy films and shows that have been unleashed since the mid to late 90s (Farley brothers, Judd Apatow, etc etc)... where they setup extremely disturbing, horrific, sexually extreme, depraved gags... which the audience accepts with a belly laugh because of some level headed characters present to respond with some sort of repulsion or disconnect with the gag. So the audience can feel morally neutral while participating in the exhibition-initiation.
We Love You Satan is most likely setup as a gag. But as a gag it allows the audience to accept and ingest the depiction, the simple text as a valid item of information for the brain to process, without tuning out.
This is the age of twilight language.
Not one cent one go to Disney+ , Hulu, espn
I need to ditch my cable TV because it includes ESPN and ABC
I have one tv and I usually just watch the weather. No cable ever. Ditch them.
They went out single file and knew what order they would be going out.
If they were all in a crowd and then converged to their designated spot then it could lead to a mix up.
My theatre teacher always taught us that prep work and rehearsal is important for this reason.
I do not think this was an accident either.
For those who have eyes to see. I think Jesus said that. Those who wish to not see will always find an excuse.
An adult or multiple adults could see how they were lined up before showing up into the view of the camera. They could have easily adjusted the letter holders to be the proper order.
For whatever reason they chose not to do that.
The more I think about this the more I realize this was purposeful.
I think this is a great tactic for them to mess with the Google or any other search engine results. Since so many people are going to be typing in Disney and Satan nowadays.
Oh I never even thought of that. Great info.
It wasn't my original thought. Something I read about why they named Frozen so, then when people search Disney and Frozen they can't find anything about the theory that Walt Disney's body was cryogenically frozen.. makes sense as they manipulate everything.
Santa and Satan are anagrams for reasons... Pity those whom have been worshiping satan, for they're foundation is an illusion.
Surprise, surprise, Satan lies, he doesn't even exist.
TL DR: We love you Santa. Kids stood in wrong order. Big fucking deal.
Don't think so.
If it is a mistake, then it is no big deal for the entire cast and crew to re-shoot the scene.
Although, Disney's finances are a bit underwater at the moment, so they might not have the money to do so. But could they just edit the whole thing on computers? Not that hard to edit letters...
Obviously flaunting. You know about these Disney movies, right?
Didn't know about Maleficent. Then again, I haven't touches a Disney movie for years, so I wouldn't know.
I have not touch Disney either. I used to love Disney so much.
OK groomer.