Shots Fired: McConnell Warns Trump He is "Highly Unlikely to Ever Be Elected President of the US" For Dining with Rapper "Ye" an...
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday took a shot at Trump without saying his name. McConnell said it is highly unlikely that Trump will ever be elected president again for dining with Kanye West and his surprise entourage. “First let me...
As if condemnation from McConnell impresses us...
How does this asshat keep getting reelected?
That's right, it's all fraud.
All of it.
Oh boy ..the man had lunch and dinner with Kim Jong Un! He can meet his enemy face to face, or just hear what someone wants to say.
What would have happened if Trump refused to meet with Ye?
Perhaps a different narrative but surely just as loud. This is just another attack. McConnell is a jackazz for continuing with this stupid schitt. Trump already made his comment. Ignore it!
Those two rinos are highly unlikely to keep their jobs....
Classic case of some asshole in DC who hasn't lived in the real US in decades, being completely and totally tone-deaf and ignorant of what We The People actually want.
McFucker here thinks he can shut this down by saying so?? Whoever is pulling the lever, can he be one of the first to go?
Trump better be the nominee. If he isn’t I’m writing his name in.
What a dick!
Mitch McConnell is highly unlikely to die a free man.
Apparently McConnell is owned by Israel
go fuck yaself turtle dick