A while back I posted a help post about my Dad who was suffering massively after lockdowns and mainly psychologically after contracting covid in early Jan 2020, lets say almost December, the first wave. I've tried my best to do what I can from a different country, but he lost the plot completely, shaking uncontrollably, crying all the time, spent a year incapable of being left for five minutes, total destruction of an IQ 160+ registered Mensa genius. I don't really want to get too sepecific into detail about who he was out of privacy & respect, but in June he hung himself and I've been dealing with the fallout ever since. Completely vaxed although Q aware, put me on to JoeM for anons out there will understand, this was early on in the digital battlefield 2017. There is a clear and present danger to anyone high IQ that contracts covid and I'm not convinced the jabs are even worse. He was kind to people and animals and known locally as The Gentleman. To those of you lurking and pushing this Marxist vax shit, your time is up. I have no weapons, no malice, no intention to do anything violent. but I will dedicate my life to tearing you apart philosophically until your mind is as tortured as what you put my father through.
Thanks for the Info but my father didn't make it.
You are not the only one. Known "war" casualties in my family (including extended) so far are 2 dead from suicide, 4 murdered by the hospitals, and at least 2 permanently injured by the jab. Most were warned or provided information, and decided to call the messenger a "conspiracy theorist".
Perhaps this article gives some clues (What if the Rona Virus designed by Gain-of-Function targets "this system"? And therefore Ivermectin and Artemisia Annua as treatments against parasites/viruses/bacteria are so helpful?):
"You Are Barely You - We like to imagine that life is simple. A single egg-and-sperm combination carries all of the genetic materials that create us. It is the foundation of who we are, whether we’re a single cell, a newborn baby or a fully grown adult.
But the reality isn’t as simple. For example, you might know that bacteria inhabit our gut and help us with the process of digestion. Funny side effect: those bacteria affect your physical health (obesity, diabetes, etc.) as well as your mental health (autism, anxiety, depression). Also, those bacteria aren’t the only ones that inhabit us; in fact, microorganisms outnumber our own body’s cells 10 to 1. ...
... With that perspective in mind, it shouldn’t be so hard to believe that not much of your DNA is yours, either. A huge chunk of your DNA comes from viruses. Approximately 5% to 8% of the human genome comes from ancient viruses. Viral-based genetic code affects the bodies in ways you might’ve never thought about. For example, viral-based genetic code regulates hormones in a female’s body that control birth timing. And yes, you’ve probably guessed where I’m headed — viral-based genetic code has recently been linked as a catalyst to intelligence. Specifically, it’s the ancestors of retroviruses, retrotransposons, that are the ones that found their way into an evolutionary symbiosis with our brains (as well as other aspects of us).
Viruses hijack cells like pirates hijack ships."
"We have been able to observe that these viruses are activated specifically in the brain cells and have an important regulatory role. We believe that the role of retroviruses can contribute to explaining why brain cells in particular are so dynamic and multifaceted in their function. It may also be the case that the viruses' more or less complex functions in various species can help us to understand why we are so different," says Johan Jakobsson, head of the research team for molecular neurogenetics at Lund University. ..."
Better work than myself. I was able to find this info.
No problem. Googlefu translates well to Yandex.
Thank you!
You should post this as its' own stand alone post. Also this was posted earlier and I think it may also have a link.