I find it dispiriting when things don't always go our way, especially the "elections". But I cannot understand people that take the time to post what essentially can be translated to: "I'm in pain right now, so rush the Great Awakening and risk losing the centuries-long battle with the Luciferian cabal... for my emotional satisfaction!" This doesn't do anything for our cause, and appears to be doomer/shill behavior. Are they venting or are they shills?
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That's... Just not true. Biden has worked to rid the military of as many patriots as possible while importing people who will do his bidding for the paycheck or power to lord over others, while simultaneously destroying our geopolitical advantages and force projection.
To say this "is the end of all wars" is to reject human nature. This is extreme naivete. While the term "all wars are bankers' wars" exists, it's a misnomer to assume that they are the direct cause of all wars.
Wars are started all throughout history due to disagreements over trade, land, injustice, etc.
If you think all of that just disappears, then I have no possible word combination to express how naive that is.
Take a step back. 10k ft view. You really think General Mark Milley going on an LGBT soliloquy causes irreparable harm to the United States? Why are we not dragged into physical confrontation in Ukraine? Do you think Pelosi and Schiff would have liked a No Fly Zone?
Do you actually believe the events that occurred in Afghanistan, the Taliban takeover, was not planned? The Taliban being led by Baradar, the man Trump freed in a 2020 peace treaty.
Do you realize the importance of the Border Wall being finished in 2020? No, not that one. The one between Afghanistan and Pakistation.
Optics are very important. Sitting President Trump could not survive Afghanistan in 2021. Nor could he be sitting on his laurels while Putin invaded Ukraine. He would have been destroyed.
All wars are caused by Rich men. All modern wars, for Rich men to enrich themselves. You need to put ideas of resource scarcity behind. What you perceive now as a limited material is by design.
THIS ^^^
Very well said, and you covered quite a few relevant topics. Well done.
It takes time to wake up the whole world. The problems in the US are only one piece of a much larger puzzle.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8nE-8ctbTI (everything is a rich man's trick)
I took that post to mean that "time" is the limitation being referred to. I may be wrong.
One of the primary bases for religion is that we are all sinners by default, so..