Q Posts- Remember your Oath- reminder for Brunson v Adams SCOTUS 22-380 Case?
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A lot of people are not able to think logically.
The SC has already had MULTIPLE opportunities to quietly shut down this case before it ever got to this point. In fact, this is exactly what all the "expert" lawyers have been predicting every time this case is mentioned (Tracy Beanz is a good example).
The lawyers have been unanimous in their predictions that the SC would never touch this case. That it was a nothing burger. They have been proven wrong through every step of the process so far.
The SC has in fact gone out of their way to help bring the case forward. Let that REALLY sink in for a minute...
Why would the SC actively encourage the Brunson brothers to file the case (with modifications requested by the SC), only to then have it fail the conference vote on Jan. 6th? Does that make any sense to anyone?
Unless the whole thing is just a political move by the SC to warn the Congress not to try to impose term limits or pack the court. Who knows? We will see soon enough, starting with what the lame duck Congress does this month...
I have to agree.
I am surprised this case made it this far but burden of proof for civil cases is usually less than a criminal case.
So because of that reason alone I never say never because you don't know what the SC is thinking if they allowed it to pass so many obstacles so far.
Since the SC only rules on whether a lower court ruling was Constitutional, isn't whether the lower court case was civil or criminal irrelevant?
True but the Brunson's are arguing a national security breech which is technically a matter of military courts but still within the jurisdiction of the SC.