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Isn’t that why tanning beds and saunas are popular in cloudy and northern climates?
I’m in the south and part owner of a tanning salon with my brother. You would be surprised of the people that come in the fall.
Tanning beds equals skin cancers ..saunas ok. Electric costs high.
When you see the patents for weather motivations going back to 1800s how much is genuine weather? We have no idea really have we?
Can't see in this day and age and the technology we have that we are not told about that we should be freezing and people dying of hyperthermia due to the cabal governments
Tough to imagine that a government-cheese fake sun wouldn’t also emit carcinogenic light
Do you know most of the skin cancers are on parts of the body that are not exposed to sun here in UK? They know it's caused by the lights in offices and factories...
A friend of mine with very fair skin who always covered up just got a chunk of arm removed due to skin cancer....vaxxed and boosted
The chemicals in sunscreens can cause skin cancers.
For those of us with autoimmune issues, we have really bad UV reactions from sun, it starts a flare up, but so does hours of exposure under fluorescent lighting, the flare ups are bad, they take me out for a day, at least.Can't move, muscle pain, swollen glands, vomiting, sore throat, fatigue and weakness. I cannot do direct sun, or flourescent lighting, I know the LED bothers something in my brain. I use sodium lights for my plants, 300 watts, that light does not bother me when it hits my skin. Bright though, lol. I also use UV light but it is directed and doesn't spread outside of the area I spot it on. Gray/silver light from constant overcast can mess with your head. Our brains need light, we are not nocturnal, and the artificial lighting for decades has messed with so much. I know nothing of tech, but it seems simple to me, as far as making another sun. Mirrors. At this rate, they will put a dome over the whole thing. I'm glad I won't be around for that.
I guess healthy people are routinely able to fight off melanoma and carcinoma, but if their immune systems and T cell counts are reduced by things like the vaxx… look out