Trouble is Mr Campbell that for two years you forefronted that canvass every day in your presentations that blared out the graphic reminder for the mask, 6 feet and hand sanitiser, let alone vax. Older people in particular who you still see going around muzzled are the traumatised product of such inculcation by you and others, and they're not going to stop doing all of those self-destructive things now just because you've 'seen the light'.
I get your frustration, I was making similar comments under his videos but I stopped, we gotta understand this is the process of waking up... forgiveness is a powerful tool. He was brainwashed, he woke up and he fights back. We can't be attacking people that are joining the side of the truth. He knows he fuc**d up, he sees the damage... I've watched many of his videos in the last couple of months, the guy has really changed and I feel his pain. On the good note, he managed to wake up many normies, his channel is very popular amongst the normies
I get your sentiment, but we all knew from the start that this was BS yet so many people with medical 'credentials' went along with it and are only now 'waking up' (yes he's only one of many medical figures going through the same). The prospect of medical practitioners being 'brainwashable' when the likes of us were impervious to it is really quite scary, and not a viable defence when the viewers that he and others influenced into following his broadcasts for two years are now irreparably damaged beyond retrieval. The audience held these people in positions of authority and trust and they commandeered the platforms whilst we were systematically silenced. It shouldn't have taken Campbell and all the others two years to realise that something was seriously amiss with that.
Agreed. People should have known better. It’s obvious that the past couple years was a joke. But, people don’t want to admit it. Until people can admit they were fooled, then we (as a people) will not have made the progress we want to make.
This could be accomplished in two days, or it could keep playing out for the next thousands of years. At the rate we are going, my guess is the latter.
Knew is an interesting word. It was theorized, and we logically surmised the shot would be dangerous, but we had no hard evidence in the very beginning. A lot was suppressed, and the systems that were in place were very powerful systems... Still are, although they are crumbling now. As the hard data has been trickling in, Campbell has noticed the problems with the vax and, more importantly, with the SYSTEMS THEMSELVES that made all the deceptions and obfuscation possible. Campbell made a full 180 and he should be commended for that.
Campbell's awakening is extremely important. My wife (2 doses of vax) was paying attention to him the whole time. She also has gradually awakened, hence she didn't get 3 or 4 doses. Now she, too, realizes there was a conspiracy to promote the vax, and Dr. Campbell is part of her awakening process.
Not everyone who promoted the vax and masking was a paid shill. I have several honest friends who are doctors that fell for the lies and tried to get me to get the jab. They were deceived in the beginning. The system is's like a cult. If you're already in it, you're not going to have that same distrust that we may have had at the outset. But all of us were deceived at one point, even if it was when we were little children.
For sure not all were paid shills. It's just for me, if you're a doctor then any reasonable cause for doubt should make you hesitant at the least, you're literally playing with people's lives. And that cause was apparent very early on to folks like us, let alone those in the medical community who were seeing the likes of Fauci and Birx and the WHO constantly flipflopping, backtracking, censoring and erasing. But yes we are where we are now, shame about those who've been damaged physically and mentally for ever but at least Campbell will no longer be adding to that toll.
Totally agree. I think many honest medical/scientific types were not prepared for all of the lies from the trial, and the active suppression of the safety controls. If you're this guy you are used to the system working and while scientific fraud is possible in his world a deception this grand was just not on the radar.
I was at least theoretically interested in the vax when it came out. Not being a moron I wasn't going to get it ASAP but was following it with the idea that if it seemed safe I would eventually get it. Thanks to my frens here and in the real world it was apparent just a few weeks in that I wouldn't be getting any shots. Those of us who are awakened and not prone to social pressure are rare breeds and expecting the masses to have the same stones is just unrealistic.
Exactly. I am a schmuck and I had it worked out by May 2020, mainly thanks to discovering people like Mike Yeadon, Catherine Austin Fitts and all the angels whose full interviews were online a year head of the release of Planet Lockdown. They saved my life and my sanity.
We knew.. we were doing exactly what he is doing now.. he is trying to make amends and he is trying to get the word out to as many people as possible.. he is doing it very carefully to reach the widest audience possible becuse of how evil youtube is. We all know people who fucked up. My grnadmother was constantly nagging me while i was pregnant to get vakzed for the safety of my daughter. They used fear as a weapon and a lot of actual experts trusted "the experts"..
We can't stay divided forever. We need to reconcile, fren.
My mother was REALLY mad that my my wife, kids and myself didn't go get the injections right away. Took her about 6 months to lay off and now my parents "say" they don't want any boosters. 🤷♂️
I'm with you. I figured out early what the Fauci flu was, with its 0.125% death rate (and that includes the sickies). If I could figure it out, and I'm just an average schmuck with it comes to medical things, then anyone could have. I could see, early on, taking the experimental vaccine as an experimental thing before information was really out. But, at the point when the results were in and vaccines were forced, the whole thing was a shit show. I also figured out that the viruses were much smaller than the holes in masks. This does not require a medical degree.
Did I write this? Sounds exactly like me. I'm no intellectual mastermind, and if I could come to this same common sense conclusion at the beginning of this cluster%$#@, I really worry about us putting our lives in the hands of the medical geniuses. I will probably die of a paper cut...I don't even trust what they put on bandaids anymore.
I watched a few of his videos at the beginning. He bought the whole thing-hook line and sinker. Covid seemed to be the best thing that ever happened to his career.
I liked the video where he discussed the plethora of adverse events that were kept suppressed. He was almost red-pilled.
Trouble is Mr Campbell that for two years you forefronted that canvass every day in your presentations that blared out the graphic reminder for the mask, 6 feet and hand sanitiser, let alone vax. Older people in particular who you still see going around muzzled are the traumatised product of such inculcation by you and others, and they're not going to stop doing all of those self-destructive things now just because you've 'seen the light'.
I get your frustration, I was making similar comments under his videos but I stopped, we gotta understand this is the process of waking up... forgiveness is a powerful tool. He was brainwashed, he woke up and he fights back. We can't be attacking people that are joining the side of the truth. He knows he fuc**d up, he sees the damage... I've watched many of his videos in the last couple of months, the guy has really changed and I feel his pain. On the good note, he managed to wake up many normies, his channel is very popular amongst the normies
I get your sentiment, but we all knew from the start that this was BS yet so many people with medical 'credentials' went along with it and are only now 'waking up' (yes he's only one of many medical figures going through the same). The prospect of medical practitioners being 'brainwashable' when the likes of us were impervious to it is really quite scary, and not a viable defence when the viewers that he and others influenced into following his broadcasts for two years are now irreparably damaged beyond retrieval. The audience held these people in positions of authority and trust and they commandeered the platforms whilst we were systematically silenced. It shouldn't have taken Campbell and all the others two years to realise that something was seriously amiss with that.
Agreed. People should have known better. It’s obvious that the past couple years was a joke. But, people don’t want to admit it. Until people can admit they were fooled, then we (as a people) will not have made the progress we want to make.
This could be accomplished in two days, or it could keep playing out for the next thousands of years. At the rate we are going, my guess is the latter.
Knew is an interesting word. It was theorized, and we logically surmised the shot would be dangerous, but we had no hard evidence in the very beginning. A lot was suppressed, and the systems that were in place were very powerful systems... Still are, although they are crumbling now. As the hard data has been trickling in, Campbell has noticed the problems with the vax and, more importantly, with the SYSTEMS THEMSELVES that made all the deceptions and obfuscation possible. Campbell made a full 180 and he should be commended for that.
Campbell's awakening is extremely important. My wife (2 doses of vax) was paying attention to him the whole time. She also has gradually awakened, hence she didn't get 3 or 4 doses. Now she, too, realizes there was a conspiracy to promote the vax, and Dr. Campbell is part of her awakening process.
Not everyone who promoted the vax and masking was a paid shill. I have several honest friends who are doctors that fell for the lies and tried to get me to get the jab. They were deceived in the beginning. The system is's like a cult. If you're already in it, you're not going to have that same distrust that we may have had at the outset. But all of us were deceived at one point, even if it was when we were little children.
For sure not all were paid shills. It's just for me, if you're a doctor then any reasonable cause for doubt should make you hesitant at the least, you're literally playing with people's lives. And that cause was apparent very early on to folks like us, let alone those in the medical community who were seeing the likes of Fauci and Birx and the WHO constantly flipflopping, backtracking, censoring and erasing. But yes we are where we are now, shame about those who've been damaged physically and mentally for ever but at least Campbell will no longer be adding to that toll.
Totally agree. I think many honest medical/scientific types were not prepared for all of the lies from the trial, and the active suppression of the safety controls. If you're this guy you are used to the system working and while scientific fraud is possible in his world a deception this grand was just not on the radar.
I was at least theoretically interested in the vax when it came out. Not being a moron I wasn't going to get it ASAP but was following it with the idea that if it seemed safe I would eventually get it. Thanks to my frens here and in the real world it was apparent just a few weeks in that I wouldn't be getting any shots. Those of us who are awakened and not prone to social pressure are rare breeds and expecting the masses to have the same stones is just unrealistic.
Exactly. I am a schmuck and I had it worked out by May 2020, mainly thanks to discovering people like Mike Yeadon, Catherine Austin Fitts and all the angels whose full interviews were online a year head of the release of Planet Lockdown. They saved my life and my sanity.
Watch the last 30 seconds. Clearly he is emotional and distraught and he quickly ends the video.
"Clearly he is emotional..."
He believed in the science of vaccines and took the shots himself. His guilt must be weighing so heavy on his heart. May God forgive him.
We knew.. we were doing exactly what he is doing now.. he is trying to make amends and he is trying to get the word out to as many people as possible.. he is doing it very carefully to reach the widest audience possible becuse of how evil youtube is. We all know people who fucked up. My grnadmother was constantly nagging me while i was pregnant to get vakzed for the safety of my daughter. They used fear as a weapon and a lot of actual experts trusted "the experts"..
We can't stay divided forever. We need to reconcile, fren.
My mother was REALLY mad that my my wife, kids and myself didn't go get the injections right away. Took her about 6 months to lay off and now my parents "say" they don't want any boosters. 🤷♂️
I'm with you. I figured out early what the Fauci flu was, with its 0.125% death rate (and that includes the sickies). If I could figure it out, and I'm just an average schmuck with it comes to medical things, then anyone could have. I could see, early on, taking the experimental vaccine as an experimental thing before information was really out. But, at the point when the results were in and vaccines were forced, the whole thing was a shit show. I also figured out that the viruses were much smaller than the holes in masks. This does not require a medical degree.
Did I write this? Sounds exactly like me. I'm no intellectual mastermind, and if I could come to this same common sense conclusion at the beginning of this cluster%$#@, I really worry about us putting our lives in the hands of the medical geniuses. I will probably die of a paper cut...I don't even trust what they put on bandaids anymore.
We on this board are on the same wavelength.
Thank you, you've articulated it much better 🙂
Exactly this
He had one job. To inform people about covid and keep them safe he says. He failed miserably and has lost all credibility.
I watched a few of his videos at the beginning. He bought the whole thing-hook line and sinker. Covid seemed to be the best thing that ever happened to his career.
I liked the video where he discussed the plethora of adverse events that were kept suppressed. He was almost red-pilled.