Assuming the note is real and describes the true situation, he was to be legally barred from both his family and his profession. While most people in his situation don't commit suicide, anyone who has dealt directly with CPS and mandatory arrest policies should be able to understand his perspective, and sympathize.
This is what society is doing to families. The women feel they can do and say whatever and men can do nothing. He was probably depressed, went to Disneyland because it made him think of good times with his daughters, thinking about all the times he gave and sacrificed for them and his wife, only to be thrown in jail by the wife he loved. He was probably drinking and just decided it wasn’t worth it any more. Very sad
What the litteral F , the guy sounded so good and kind and loving , but to do this esp at groomerland where kids are wth . He may have been a kind normal guy but Goes to show you that some kind souls can’t take pressure , this is strange ! Very strange !
Although most people in his situation don't commit suicide, anyone who has dealt directly with CPS and mandatory arrest policies should be able to understand his perspective.
Yes ,, I really think he was a nice guy who couldn’t handle the pressure ,, very tragic what these fkn can do to a person ! Very sad what a bitch if a woman !
child custody court is esp lethal , a friend of mine is a judge , she has more security than politicians! You start taking peoples kids away your in danger !
A lot of power in that system even the strongest can break ! CPS these demons yield a lot of power as well , I’ve dealt with them several times over the years , they torment good parents and leave the abusers alone!
Link here.
Assuming the note is real and describes the true situation, he was to be legally barred from both his family and his profession. While most people in his situation don't commit suicide, anyone who has dealt directly with CPS and mandatory arrest policies should be able to understand his perspective, and sympathize.
Oh man. Once government "social service" agencies start rolling in get ready for your life to be destroyed.
This is tragic.
This is what society is doing to families. The women feel they can do and say whatever and men can do nothing. He was probably depressed, went to Disneyland because it made him think of good times with his daughters, thinking about all the times he gave and sacrificed for them and his wife, only to be thrown in jail by the wife he loved. He was probably drinking and just decided it wasn’t worth it any more. Very sad
What the litteral F , the guy sounded so good and kind and loving , but to do this esp at groomerland where kids are wth . He may have been a kind normal guy but Goes to show you that some kind souls can’t take pressure , this is strange ! Very strange !
Although most people in his situation don't commit suicide, anyone who has dealt directly with CPS and mandatory arrest policies should be able to understand his perspective.
Yes ,, I really think he was a nice guy who couldn’t handle the pressure ,, very tragic what these fkn can do to a person ! Very sad what a bitch if a woman ! child custody court is esp lethal , a friend of mine is a judge , she has more security than politicians! You start taking peoples kids away your in danger ! A lot of power in that system even the strongest can break ! CPS these demons yield a lot of power as well , I’ve dealt with them several times over the years , they torment good parents and leave the abusers alone!
Why was he at Disneyland? Did someone from Disneyland suicide him?
What a disloyal crazy azz witch he was married to!
If someone drives you to this, don't go out alone.
Suicide weekend precursor?