I'm not in Ga., but the other day I researched Walker's background... A better candidate should have been found. Not sure re: how much mud slinging going on, any links to mud on the other side?
Did you look at Warnock? He is no winner, either. He has a dirtier past than Walker. RNC wanted to run a black man against Warnox and Walker seemed to the one picked.
We on the right have been suffocated by the crap slinging. The only lib I know in our county said it was just as bad coming from the Walker side. The sad thing is it works. The masses have been trained to operate off of emotions.
I believe we are at an important point in human history, our tech. has exploded while our morals have declined. If its not turned around very soon, we will be gone, or reduced to a few pockets in caves.
There was a better candidate. He was a Special Forces veteran and was a MAGA Republican but had no name recognition. Trump supported the guy with the most name recognition so that is who everybody went with in the primary.
Latham Saddler I think was a better candidate but people just vote for the name they recognize the most. It really is a popularity contest instead of a policy contest. People are stupid...
Walker has domestic issues and mental health issues. Looking at Twitter Followers shows he is behind by around 15-20% Personally I would vote for him if I were in Ga., but I'm sure the left has relentlessly crapped on him.
That’s who I voted for in the primary. He was great. But Trump supported Walker so he won. Don’t think he is a great candidate but definitely better than the alternative. I voted on Friday and there was a long line. I live in a red county. I grew up with a dad who was a huge Bulldog fan and loved Walker. But I still wish Sadler had won.
I'm not in Ga., but the other day I researched Walker's background... A better candidate should have been found. Not sure re: how much mud slinging going on, any links to mud on the other side?
Did you look at Warnock? He is no winner, either. He has a dirtier past than Walker. RNC wanted to run a black man against Warnox and Walker seemed to the one picked.
Yes, going to look at Warnock today... We need this seat! Yes he also has domestic violence with his 3 year married then divorced wife.
Note: He worked on a Bipartisan Bill with Rubio...
I'm having trouble finding information on Warnock's past, care to share?
Arrested for running down his wife.
Running down? With a car? Source?
What's his dirty past?
We on the right have been suffocated by the crap slinging. The only lib I know in our county said it was just as bad coming from the Walker side. The sad thing is it works. The masses have been trained to operate off of emotions.
I believe we are at an important point in human history, our tech. has exploded while our morals have declined. If its not turned around very soon, we will be gone, or reduced to a few pockets in caves.
There was a better candidate. He was a Special Forces veteran and was a MAGA Republican but had no name recognition. Trump supported the guy with the most name recognition so that is who everybody went with in the primary.
Latham Saddler I think was a better candidate but people just vote for the name they recognize the most. It really is a popularity contest instead of a policy contest. People are stupid...
Walker has domestic issues and mental health issues. Looking at Twitter Followers shows he is behind by around 15-20% Personally I would vote for him if I were in Ga., but I'm sure the left has relentlessly crapped on him.
Yeah I'm gonna vote for him just because I don't want Warnock to win.
That’s who I voted for in the primary. He was great. But Trump supported Walker so he won. Don’t think he is a great candidate but definitely better than the alternative. I voted on Friday and there was a long line. I live in a red county. I grew up with a dad who was a huge Bulldog fan and loved Walker. But I still wish Sadler had won.
Warnock is a communist. Pro abortion. Everything that Georgia isn’t.
Yup, I read up on him yesterday, I'm pro life and anyone that isn't won't get my vote. Tenn. is very Red thank God..