I've always been on the fence about Elon, especially about neural link, But to me there's no denying that the cleanup of a Twitter is absolutely in line with the Q plan. The timing of everything, especially with Kari Lake fighting the Arizona election, I feel like the storm has been brewing and starting to rain.
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I am a fan of the deep cover / disguising oneself as a Black Hat theory.
I would draw into consideration the idea of stalking. When you are stalking a beast, hunting down the pray, you camouflage. What if the hunt takes decades?
To play the long game, there would definitely be a need for some to play like moles, and give appearances. Heck, consider the Cold war. In the 80s, I met with and talked with an undercover operative in Seoul, Korea. He was operating in Moscow, and was in Korea for "a conference" that I was interpreting at.
His confession of the difficulties he faced being under virtual 24 hour surveillance by the KGB was gut wrenching. He had to pretend to be someone he most certainly was not.
When undercover, deep behind enemy lines, you MUST play a role, and present a specific persona or image that allows you to navigate, not be ejected.
"Programs like Star Link could have never gotten off the ground had the Deep Staters and Cabalists been aware of Elon's true intentions."
At this juncture, I cannot shake the feeling that Musky is working in close cooperation with the Don. Too much data pointing in this direction to be ignored.
I hope some time soon to do a serious dig and write up on this. The key point is: let's remember that POTUS has been also playing a role. You NEED someone who can stand up the front and be the figurehead, even while being Q+ in the background.
So, yes take into account Musks history, surroundings, choices, etc. But also apply the powerful paradigms that Q highlights, to not simply react to what stuff looks like on the surface.
For Pete's sake: Q chose the CHANS to post and work. How many zillions of people discredited Q because of where they were posting???/ (A lot.)
Could even explain the baphomet thing he's wearing in his Twitter profile pic. It was a Halloween costume. As in he was disguising himself as one of them (and has been for years).
I'm still close to 50-50 on Musk but I'm just throwing that out there.
Recent Musk posts : i.e. "My Pronouns are PROSECUTE/FAUCI" leave almost no doubt now that He is being a complete wrecking ball on the Deep State narrative.
Some nuffnuff replied to Musk saying please don't belittle mock marginalized an at-risk-of-violence members of the LGBTQA community. Musks response?
"Forcing your pronouns upon others when they didn't ask and implicitly ostracizing those who don't is neither neither good nor kind to anyone."
Like trump..he does a lot of trolling