Visit or to visit the 644 page dossier, or their main website to read it for themselves. They have not had one debunker yet
23:00 Attorney Mike Gottlieb was the brains (Hunter was just there to get the message to his dad)
Gottlieb represented Seth Rich's brother Aaron Rich and got Aaron to sue for defamation. He also represented Ruby Freeman (who basically admitted ballot harvesting on camera).
The Hunter investigation would have easily been over by now if it didn't involve and implicate the president of the united states.
Another felony that Joe committed was tax evasion, which is known for a fact because there is correspondence between Hunter and a business partner in which the Bidens shared a joint bank account with this partner.
Joe was paying for his bills with a joint bank account, and the account was being funded by Rosemont Seneca (who was being funded by foreign oligarchs)
Joe was basically getting away with everything since he knows DC so well, but they didn't account for the laptop getting into the hands of investigators.
Hunter was not only doing crack, but he was dealing it as well.
Joe will likely pardon Hunter when he leaves office, but Potus cannot pardon state level crimes. If states pressed Hunter, he would be held accountable.
Marco Polo submitted their evidence to every single member of Congress, every single AG, AND every single contact on Hunter's laptop! (over 4000) Some of those 4000 people are witnesses and willing to cooperate with prosecution.
Joe will likely pardon himself if Federal charges are brought, and the state AG's in the states Joe committed crimes in are hardly expected to enforce the law fairly
48:30 - About Joe: "The 7 crimes are thus..." offering specific dates and statutes
53:36 Kim: "Where is the money trail? Where do you have any proof that Joe Biden has actually benefitted personally from any of the funds that Hunter has made in his business ventures
1:03:10 Confirmed that Xi Jinping was personally involved in setting up meeting between Joe and Ye Jinming (sp) who was the CEO of CEFC energy
It was therefore not just a standard FARA violation, but a Chinese intelligence operation approved and overseen by Xi Jinping.
The House will investigate Marco Polo's 644 page dossier, and ideally best thing possible would be the House sending criminal referrals to state and local prosecutors. Federal charges can be pardoned by Potus...
1:20:23 Tara Reade introduces, invites for a private conversation to offer information to Marco Polo regarding individuals on Hunter's laptop.
1:24:30 LALA jumps into the chat and reiterates that it was a joint effort between republicans and democrats to censor the laptop story
She asked how many congressmen and/or journalists responded to being delivered dossier, and how many seemed interested in knowing more etc.
1:26:30 Garrett says that he has spoken with dozens of journalists who are interested, but are bound from speaking publicly because of the companies they work for.
1:28:08 The dossier assembled is only redacted at all where legally required, such as genitalia, social security numbers, and Joe's phone number.
1:29:50 Staffers on committees in congress have responded kindly, but fear their bosses finding out
1:31:00 Chris Dodd (laptop associate) is in deep with the Motion Picture Association of America and the Biden connections to the CAA
1:31:45 Kim shares that Obama wasn't sure about taking down Kim's "MegaUpload", and Biden effectively coerced Obama into pursuing by having Dodd do an interview and threaten that Hollywood may withdraw political donations to the Obama reelection campaign.
1:33:10 Chris Dodd (sp.) shows up in 2 full pages of hunter emails.
1:33:42 Joe call Chris his best friend in life
1:37:55 "Going through this laptop, you get to see how the Bidens really act..."
1:40:15 Speaker "Prodigal" jumps into chat; "I'm curious, there are reports that Hunter's psychiatrist also had a different laptop..."
1:41:15 Keith Ablow (sp.) (psychiatrist) allowed Hunter to live in his guest house from Oct. 2018- Feb. 2019.
Hunter left behind another laptop with Keith Ablow when he left town in 2019, and that laptop was impounded in a DEA raid
1:42:19 No evidence on laptop of Hunter penetrating his niece on the laptop, but there is a "mountain of evidence" that Hunter's sister in law (brother Bo's wife) had accused Hunter of being sexually inappropriate with her 14 year old daughter.
Her allegations were that Hunter was walking around naked, smoking crack, and facetiming with naked girls.
1:42:52 Speaker "Prodigal": We're all familiar with Patrick Ho (sp.)? There was a single report that was done that implicated a number of democratic politicians: Cuomo, Kamala Harris, Newsom, Schumer
Have you found any implications any of these electronic items of any of these senators?
1:43:37 There's 3 Hunter laptops: 1 that went from Delaware repair shop to Giuliani, which Marco Polo now has. The second laptop was left at Hunter's psychiatrist's house and seized by the DEA (of which no material has surfaced from) and then given to Hunter's attorney. The third laptop was "stolen" by a Russian drug dealer in Dec. 2018, which Hunter admitted to a prostitute
1:44:28 Garrett answers Prodigal's question regarding that single report. It was written by Jimmy Biden (playing his role) and published via Washington Post, which is essentially the PR arm of the CIA and is essentially 40% true.
That report was revealing in that Jimmy was doing was Joe couldn't do publicly.
Jimmy named a list of politicians and prominent public figures (cohorts) that could be approached for infrastructure deals on behalf of CEFC
*1:45:55 Kim mentions that although there are obviously potential criminal consequences of the laptop data, but also big potential for blackmail by any party involved in corrupt dealings with the Bidens.
Since we're already seeing things develop in Ukraine right now, could any of it be related to blackmail of Potus?
*1:47:22 Igor Kolomoisky is a guy who funded Zelensky, who owned a production company. Many of the higher ups in Ukranian govt right now have worked for that production company
1:49:00 Garrett reveals that he connected tax payer dollars straight from their donation to the IMF, to Joe threatening to withhold those funds, to Privat (sp.) bank (Igor Kolomoisky owned), to shell companies, to $12.3 million sent to Burisma (Hunter hired on board).
No need to apologize…(now I do for being unwilling to commit 4 hours to listening).
Thank you for taking this on.
The dossier is a comprehensive read, but well worth it.
On one level, it is beyond mystifying how Brandon is now nominally leading the executive branch considering the depth of his corruption.
On another, it’s quite logical. If the Derp Staters are in on reaping the benefits and see their function as “preserving the institution”, one can’t expect them to actually do their jobs on this one, to hell with who is under the magnifying glass.
Preserving and explaining the Crackhead Son’s laptop contents are essentially a last resort Hail Mary.
But sooner or later, the truth will set us all free.
Visit or to visit the 644 page dossier, or their main website to read it for themselves. They have not had one debunker yet
23:00 Attorney Mike Gottlieb was the brains (Hunter was just there to get the message to his dad)
Gottlieb represented Seth Rich's brother Aaron Rich and got Aaron to sue for defamation. He also represented Ruby Freeman (who basically admitted ballot harvesting on camera).
The Hunter investigation would have easily been over by now if it didn't involve and implicate the president of the united states.
Another felony that Joe committed was tax evasion, which is known for a fact because there is correspondence between Hunter and a business partner in which the Bidens shared a joint bank account with this partner.
Joe was paying for his bills with a joint bank account, and the account was being funded by Rosemont Seneca (who was being funded by foreign oligarchs)
Joe was basically getting away with everything since he knows DC so well, but they didn't account for the laptop getting into the hands of investigators.
Hunter was not only doing crack, but he was dealing it as well.
Joe will likely pardon Hunter when he leaves office, but Potus cannot pardon state level crimes. If states pressed Hunter, he would be held accountable.
Marco Polo submitted their evidence to every single member of Congress, every single AG, AND every single contact on Hunter's laptop! (over 4000) Some of those 4000 people are witnesses and willing to cooperate with prosecution.
Joe will likely pardon himself if Federal charges are brought, and the state AG's in the states Joe committed crimes in are hardly expected to enforce the law fairly
48:30 - About Joe: "The 7 crimes are thus..." offering specific dates and statutes
53:36 Kim: "Where is the money trail? Where do you have any proof that Joe Biden has actually benefitted personally from any of the funds that Hunter has made in his business ventures
1:03:10 Confirmed that Xi Jinping was personally involved in setting up meeting between Joe and Ye Jinming (sp) who was the CEO of CEFC energy
It was therefore not just a standard FARA violation, but a Chinese intelligence operation approved and overseen by Xi Jinping.
The House will investigate Marco Polo's 644 page dossier, and ideally best thing possible would be the House sending criminal referrals to state and local prosecutors. Federal charges can be pardoned by Potus...
1:20:23 Tara Reade introduces, invites for a private conversation to offer information to Marco Polo regarding individuals on Hunter's laptop.
1:24:30 LALA jumps into the chat and reiterates that it was a joint effort between republicans and democrats to censor the laptop story
She asked how many congressmen and/or journalists responded to being delivered dossier, and how many seemed interested in knowing more etc.
1:26:30 Garrett says that he has spoken with dozens of journalists who are interested, but are bound from speaking publicly because of the companies they work for.
1:28:08 The dossier assembled is only redacted at all where legally required, such as genitalia, social security numbers, and Joe's phone number.
1:29:50 Staffers on committees in congress have responded kindly, but fear their bosses finding out
1:31:00 Chris Dodd (laptop associate) is in deep with the Motion Picture Association of America and the Biden connections to the CAA
1:31:45 Kim shares that Obama wasn't sure about taking down Kim's "MegaUpload", and Biden effectively coerced Obama into pursuing by having Dodd do an interview and threaten that Hollywood may withdraw political donations to the Obama reelection campaign.
1:33:10 Chris Dodd (sp.) shows up in 2 full pages of hunter emails.
1:33:42 Joe call Chris his best friend in life
1:37:55 "Going through this laptop, you get to see how the Bidens really act..."
1:40:15 Speaker "Prodigal" jumps into chat; "I'm curious, there are reports that Hunter's psychiatrist also had a different laptop..."
1:41:15 Keith Ablow (sp.) (psychiatrist) allowed Hunter to live in his guest house from Oct. 2018- Feb. 2019.
Hunter left behind another laptop with Keith Ablow when he left town in 2019, and that laptop was impounded in a DEA raid
1:42:19 No evidence on laptop of Hunter penetrating his niece on the laptop, but there is a "mountain of evidence" that Hunter's sister in law (brother Bo's wife) had accused Hunter of being sexually inappropriate with her 14 year old daughter.
Her allegations were that Hunter was walking around naked, smoking crack, and facetiming with naked girls.
1:42:52 Speaker "Prodigal": We're all familiar with Patrick Ho (sp.)? There was a single report that was done that implicated a number of democratic politicians: Cuomo, Kamala Harris, Newsom, Schumer
Have you found any implications any of these electronic items of any of these senators?
1:43:37 There's 3 Hunter laptops: 1 that went from Delaware repair shop to Giuliani, which Marco Polo now has. The second laptop was left at Hunter's psychiatrist's house and seized by the DEA (of which no material has surfaced from) and then given to Hunter's attorney. The third laptop was "stolen" by a Russian drug dealer in Dec. 2018, which Hunter admitted to a prostitute
1:44:28 Garrett answers Prodigal's question regarding that single report. It was written by Jimmy Biden (playing his role) and published via Washington Post, which is essentially the PR arm of the CIA and is essentially 40% true.
That report was revealing in that Jimmy was doing was Joe couldn't do publicly.
Jimmy named a list of politicians and prominent public figures (cohorts) that could be approached for infrastructure deals on behalf of CEFC
*1:45:55 Kim mentions that although there are obviously potential criminal consequences of the laptop data, but also big potential for blackmail by any party involved in corrupt dealings with the Bidens.
Since we're already seeing things develop in Ukraine right now, could any of it be related to blackmail of Potus?
*1:47:22 Igor Kolomoisky is a guy who funded Zelensky, who owned a production company. Many of the higher ups in Ukranian govt right now have worked for that production company
1:49:00 Garrett reveals that he connected tax payer dollars straight from their donation to the IMF, to Joe threatening to withhold those funds, to Privat (sp.) bank (Igor Kolomoisky owned), to shell companies, to $12.3 million sent to Burisma (Hunter hired on board).
Thank you!
No need to apologize…(now I do for being unwilling to commit 4 hours to listening).
Thank you for taking this on.
The dossier is a comprehensive read, but well worth it.
On one level, it is beyond mystifying how Brandon is now nominally leading the executive branch considering the depth of his corruption.
On another, it’s quite logical. If the Derp Staters are in on reaping the benefits and see their function as “preserving the institution”, one can’t expect them to actually do their jobs on this one, to hell with who is under the magnifying glass.
Preserving and explaining the Crackhead Son’s laptop contents are essentially a last resort Hail Mary.
But sooner or later, the truth will set us all free.
Thanks again!