LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Smocking is known as using body paint for sexual gratification. Remember when that alleged photo of Tony Podesta and Obama's senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, both covered in body paint, was discovered?

LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Terence McKenna found a peaceful solution to the world population problem (youtube) by asking the consciousness of the "magic" mushroom. You might try to argue the method to the madness, though the "suggestion" given is worth consideration IMO.

LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

This post makes me consider more thoroughly the ramifications of the J6 "inside job" news going mainstream. If the public is shown the hard evidence of a cover up, they will likely reconsider the idea that J6 was an "insurrection".

If you can pair the J6 evidence with the 2020 election evidence, it would help the world wake up at once. Maybe they'll indict Trump again and help hammer truth to the point that Trump is being targeted politically rather than criminally.

LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was thinking similarly, although it's not directly ripped from the movie audio: The Chemical Brothers

Great minds =)

LogicalThinking4910 11 points ago +11 / -0

9 men on camera to start video, and 3 are pushed off camera at the bottom of the screen.

Watch near the beginning when the girl in red fall towards the wall after throwing her punch. It looks like he was a second late for the cue, but she knew the next part was to be grabbed and pulled towards the wall.

LogicalThinking4910 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think so, 440 is considered standard and 432 is often used because it is a natural harmonic frequency. I have a tuner that maxes out between 410 and 480. I honestly think that 432 hz = 432 hz and 528 hz = 528 hz, but I'm not sure why a guitar (for example) couldn't be tuned to 528 hz instead. I imagine it would be way too much string tension.

LogicalThinking4910 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is so cool! Thanks for sharing!

LogicalThinking4910 4 points ago +4 / -0

I get that Twitter is like 140 characters or whatever, but how can you not provide a link to source the idea of eliminating the food supply for such a large portion of the global population?

LogicalThinking4910 12 points ago +12 / -0

All of these plus grilled cheese and tomato soup, for me. Thanks Mom, I loved those.

LogicalThinking4910 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Senator is forcing the issue by asking the question, at least. I would have liked to hear her response since his statement was actually a question, though I'm likely to believe she evaded actually answering truthfully. What would she say, "Asking for Biden to assist in this matter would do absolutely nothing if not put a target on my back"?

LogicalThinking4910 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your decision to remove your daughter from school seems reasonable to me, considering my own path k-12. Does your child understand your reasoning? Having already been "harmed" by the school system should give her a bold contrast to reflect on when she's older and wiser, and I hope this will help her understand why this decision was made.

My best idea for her mental growth would be to use the computer for games, such as keyboarding, math, spelling, puzzles, etc. I'm young enough to have played some pretty fun computer games as a child, yet I didn't understand until later in life that I was actually learning valuable skills. I was having so much fun playing the games at the time, I didn't focus too much on everything I was learning! Even the games that I played to learn how to type on a keyboard were so much fun for me, that I sprang into knowledge and ability in weeks. I can remember a 12 year old girl in one of my classes in school that could type 120wpm, and I was astounded. Looking back, I think how cool it was for her parents to foster that valuable skill to their child so early in life.

LogicalThinking4910 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anybody know a translation of the song the people are singing?

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