I think they did Cloud Atlas too right? Crazy to think that trannies made all these awesome movies (except any scenes with Tom Hanks are now ruined for me).
They wrote the screenplays and directed them both - pretending that it isn’t true or a significant accomplishment is silly (particularly in light of how common terminology and analogies from the Matrix are weaved into Q).
Fun Fact: (*The screenplays for) both V for Vendetta and The Matrix were written by the Wachowski brothers.
Actually the original V for Vendetta was a graphic novel written by Alan Moore published in 1982 and The Matrix was written by Thomas Althouse.
Who Is The Real Architect of The Matrix? w/ Tom Althouse
Red Pill Rising w/ Tom Althouse
The Wachowskis have never done anything original in their lives and deserve no credit for anything.
They did the screenplays for both films. I'll give them credit for that, strange as those two people are.
I think they did Cloud Atlas too right? Crazy to think that trannies made all these awesome movies (except any scenes with Tom Hanks are now ruined for me).
They wrote the screenplays and directed them both - pretending that it isn’t true or a significant accomplishment is silly (particularly in light of how common terminology and analogies from the Matrix are weaved into Q).
No it was a black woman..dhecsued and won..she wrote the matrix..don't know about the other one