They aren't Ukrainians. They are from that area now known as Ukraine and they encompassed that land all the way down to Georgia. Coincidentally (not), those two nations are today's two largest Azov Nazi inhabited lands. In 2008 Russia went into Georgia and cleaned up those Nazis. Same shit today.
These people who are pretending to be Ukrainians are Gypsy Jews and they are the Khazarian Jews. Not to be confused with the Jews you see in NYC. Those are Ashkenazi Jews.
Then you have Hebrews. They live in Yemen and Ethiopia and in Israel are treated like dogs.
Ukraine occupies, I think, what once was Ithaca and begat heroes like Odysseus. The beautiful people there are honorable and of good stock, and perpetually sold out by the elites around them.
They aren't Ukrainians. They are from that area now known as Ukraine and they encompassed that land all the way down to Georgia. Coincidentally (not), those two nations are today's two largest Azov Nazi inhabited lands. In 2008 Russia went into Georgia and cleaned up those Nazis. Same shit today.
These people who are pretending to be Ukrainians are Gypsy Jews and they are the Khazarian Jews. Not to be confused with the Jews you see in NYC. Those are Ashkenazi Jews.
Then you have Hebrews. They live in Yemen and Ethiopia and in Israel are treated like dogs.
How did these guys all learn to follow the Torah?
Real Hebrews are black?
I'd like to understand better the differences between the Khazarian Jews and the Ashkenazi Jews. I had thought they were essentially the same branch.
Ukraine occupies, I think, what once was Ithaca and begat heroes like Odysseus. The beautiful people there are honorable and of good stock, and perpetually sold out by the elites around them.