Obviously I know as much as anyone (nothing), but I would guess as soon as they (the would-be assassins) realized they had entered a trap they needed to create a distraction from their original intent. Firing onto a crowd was probably already planned out as their contingency plan. The master-minds likely chose that day to attempt the assassination because of the scheduled concert. The ones firing onto the crowd (Maybe Paddock?) were likely told to do so if things went sour to divert police resources to the wrong location (not the Mandalay Bay) to give them enough time to flee. Then before they could flee a clean up crew came through and tied up the loose ends. I suspect one day soon the world will know the truth.
I see. I'm not sure I buy it, but that is some real reasoning. It is frustrating how little we seem to know, which is why I quickly moved on to greener conspiracy-pastures. Fortunately others do not give up so easily.
A distraction or possibly they wanted to show him what they're capable of if he didn't comply with their demands? @unndine53 is correct that he is somehow involved in this mystery and it's confirmed that he was staying in the hotel.
I read it was an attempt to take out the Saudi Crown Prince.
How does an assassination attempt turn into voluminous seemingly indiscriminate firing into a concert though? I don't follow this line of reasoning.
Obviously I know as much as anyone (nothing), but I would guess as soon as they (the would-be assassins) realized they had entered a trap they needed to create a distraction from their original intent. Firing onto a crowd was probably already planned out as their contingency plan. The master-minds likely chose that day to attempt the assassination because of the scheduled concert. The ones firing onto the crowd (Maybe Paddock?) were likely told to do so if things went sour to divert police resources to the wrong location (not the Mandalay Bay) to give them enough time to flee. Then before they could flee a clean up crew came through and tied up the loose ends. I suspect one day soon the world will know the truth.
I see. I'm not sure I buy it, but that is some real reasoning. It is frustrating how little we seem to know, which is why I quickly moved on to greener conspiracy-pastures. Fortunately others do not give up so easily.
Wasn't there footage of muzzle fire from at least one of the helicopters buzzing around? Not to mention who at least one helo's were registered to?
A distraction or possibly they wanted to show him what they're capable of if he didn't comply with their demands? @unndine53 is correct that he is somehow involved in this mystery and it's confirmed that he was staying in the hotel.