If you ever get the urge to doom....Just think of how far ahead this community of frens are! The normies basically just entered 2017!!

Everyday I have to stop myself from responding to someone's tweet that just found out about something, that we have known for so long. Trying not to be a dick is difficult.
Yep, but that is what we are called to do.
It might help to foster feelings of humility, knowing that there are people out there who have known a LOT more than us and who have been WAITING a lot longer than us for the world to catch up.
We naturally feel the tension between knowing something and others NOT knowing it, and when they start to wake up, that tension can feel all the greater. But realizing that in fact, there are others who waited for US to wake up, that can ameliorate the tension.
Prime example is God and/or Jesus. Imagine how long God has been longing for the world, including you and I, to wake up to the evil that has been ravaging his children, and yet, when we wake up, He doesn't complain. Imagine what kind of massive huge heart it requires to carry that burden of knowledge but NOT complain or tell us off (unless in a manner that aids our growth).
Whenever I get that vibe of wanting to say, I told you so, and dude, I've known this for years, that's my go to thought. That makes it a whole lot easier to digest, personally speaking.
Just be a dick, you have earned it.