“Elon Musk casually responds to lowly conspiracy theorist” salty has come a long way.
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To be fair unless you actually use twitter its common sense that the subject matter being discussed is displayed above or to the left of the body or comments.
Ah, the ways of the Twit are indeed mysterious. Who can truly know their vaulted ways?
Except Elon didn’t respond to Satly.
Salty retweeted Musk with his own comment.
I believe that Elon's post was in response to his own poll. And now fir some speculation:..... Since he later posted that "there is no one else who can keep twitter alive.... There is no successor" If the votes that he should step down prevail, then he will shut it down, thereby making Truth Social the leading social media site.......just spitballing here....
That's what I been thinking. He's just gonna flip the switch and kill twitter.
Kudos... The thought just occurred to me based on the thread... At least the Truth Social side of it.. Imagine if he sold the Twitter data to DWAC.......
Didn’t anons figure out that Truth Social was using a Twitter API?
oh? I hadn't heard that.
Salty just talk about this last night. A couple of his listeners suggested that the CEO be Lindell or Assange.
That's a quote tweet.
Salty is cool though.
Fucking love me some salty.