This sentiment drives me crazy. I have nor shortage of faith in God. And a few lambasted me for saying this the last time but I'm going to say it again:
God helps those who help themselves. God put us on earth to DO things; to fight for His principles of Good.
Our reaction can't be to trust in God, our reaction must be to trust in ourselves and keep fighting as God's instruments. The reaction to this miscarriage of justice MUST be to ask all of ourselves "what's one more thing we can do to make sure we get free and fair elections in this country and restore the Republic".
The confusion stems from the confused Pauline notion of “faith” and what it means in relation to God (singular) the possessor of infinite attributes to the infinite degree who then must be both transcendent to this material creation yet also immanent within it without contradiction. Pauline doctrine stresses blind faith in the Divine even in the face of contradictory evidence whereas Christ himself and every Christ tradition before Christ stressed faith through experience of the Divine and the entire tradition was based on the Disciple pr acting very specifically and under guidance of a Pastor such that they could experience that faith for themselves and thus have no doubts. Otherwise we run into the awkward situation of both epistemology and theodicy in which the atheists accuse us of being anti rational and sentimental as there is no way we can claim one belief is higher than another without epistemology and then without solving the theodicy issue we cannot rationally have any claim to Justice.
These issues have all been dealt with but atheists, being servants of darkness, would like to pretend otherwise and keep pushing this weakened idea that Christ taught Pauline and not Paleo Christianity to philosophically rot his teachings from the inside out and rob Christ’s Divine followers of their perfect Philosophical heritage. True religion and study of such should not be thought of as “theological” but instead be perfectly rational and thus philosophical even though we understand that when it comes to love of God at some eventual point very high up in the process of attaining this Philosophy herself is lower than Love of God.
Did we really expect justice here? I'm not surprised at all. Continue on, Pedes. We will trust God for justice to occur in His time.
I'm sorry for the downvote but I had to.
This sentiment drives me crazy. I have nor shortage of faith in God. And a few lambasted me for saying this the last time but I'm going to say it again:
God helps those who help themselves. God put us on earth to DO things; to fight for His principles of Good.
Our reaction can't be to trust in God, our reaction must be to trust in ourselves and keep fighting as God's instruments. The reaction to this miscarriage of justice MUST be to ask all of ourselves "what's one more thing we can do to make sure we get free and fair elections in this country and restore the Republic".
The confusion stems from the confused Pauline notion of “faith” and what it means in relation to God (singular) the possessor of infinite attributes to the infinite degree who then must be both transcendent to this material creation yet also immanent within it without contradiction. Pauline doctrine stresses blind faith in the Divine even in the face of contradictory evidence whereas Christ himself and every Christ tradition before Christ stressed faith through experience of the Divine and the entire tradition was based on the Disciple pr acting very specifically and under guidance of a Pastor such that they could experience that faith for themselves and thus have no doubts. Otherwise we run into the awkward situation of both epistemology and theodicy in which the atheists accuse us of being anti rational and sentimental as there is no way we can claim one belief is higher than another without epistemology and then without solving the theodicy issue we cannot rationally have any claim to Justice.
These issues have all been dealt with but atheists, being servants of darkness, would like to pretend otherwise and keep pushing this weakened idea that Christ taught Pauline and not Paleo Christianity to philosophically rot his teachings from the inside out and rob Christ’s Divine followers of their perfect Philosophical heritage. True religion and study of such should not be thought of as “theological” but instead be perfectly rational and thus philosophical even though we understand that when it comes to love of God at some eventual point very high up in the process of attaining this Philosophy herself is lower than Love of God.