Servant_of_God 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even if you were to have been slightly disrespectful I like to think I would have taken the criticism to heart. You were absolutely right and I was wrong to word things that way and such things are actually important to call out like you did. Thank you for this as you’ve done me a favour and given me a reminder to be more careful.

Servant_of_God 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was wrong to word what I said the way I did. As I said I have immense respect for Dr Paul and he is absolutely someone much greater than I am but what I didn’t get across right, and it is wholly my fault for wording this wrong, is that he is absolutely worth emulating and is beyond reproach from people like me since he has done so much work behind the scenes for the cause of Good.

Servant_of_God 1 point ago +1 / -0

No I’m not getting any of this from the Bible and I think the world is clearly more than a few thousand years old. The evidence for that is enormous and doesn’t rely on faulty scientific dating nonsense.

Servant_of_God 2 points ago +2 / -0

Doesn’t really make sense as the National Socialists were immensely unpopular outside of Germany (outside of one or two fringe groups who aligned with them) due in large part to Hitler believing that it “wasn’t for export” and so they spent practically no time and effort on exporting it. You would never see widespread flags outside of Germany in every rural neighborhood like we do now with the Ukraine Flag. You especially wouldn’t have the local media of other countries encouraging such behavior as they were all typically anti-Nazi too.

It’s a cute theory but sadly the comparison doesn’t hold water. Pushing the #currentthing NPC meme (where the flag is just the next thing they have to support) gets way more traction instead and is way more accurate.

Servant_of_God 3 points ago +3 / -0

While this is a bit off topic I think we should have high standards of truth here on this forum and this is a common misconception. While it is true that the French greatly outnumbered the Germans and had more (and newer) tanks, planes, etc. and had the British/other Allie’s with them to help the German Military was absolutely no joke in 1940 and although it was vastly outclassed in terms of manpower, equipment, and age of equipment it’s General Staff greatly outclassed the allied commanders of 1940 (Guderian, for example) and thus defeat was almost pre-destined. The German Staff all knew they would lose any conventional fight and thus knew they had to act in a way the Allies couldn’t respond to with entire Divisions of mechanized forces with fluid command structure that allows them to move and react orders of magnitude faster than not only the Allies but even the own German command system.

The French and British were soundly beaten and allowed to walk away almost without a scratch (compared to the death tolls in battles later in the war) but it is false to claim that the French did not put up a fight. After they were encircled the French army still fought heroically in many engagements before their eventual surrender and left behind them many heroic deeds of noble warrior virtue in the face of total obliteration (when they were encircled).

Servant_of_God 2 points ago +3 / -1

The confusion stems from the confused Pauline notion of “faith” and what it means in relation to God (singular) the possessor of infinite attributes to the infinite degree who then must be both transcendent to this material creation yet also immanent within it without contradiction. Pauline doctrine stresses blind faith in the Divine even in the face of contradictory evidence whereas Christ himself and every Christ tradition before Christ stressed faith through experience of the Divine and the entire tradition was based on the Disciple pr acting very specifically and under guidance of a Pastor such that they could experience that faith for themselves and thus have no doubts. Otherwise we run into the awkward situation of both epistemology and theodicy in which the atheists accuse us of being anti rational and sentimental as there is no way we can claim one belief is higher than another without epistemology and then without solving the theodicy issue we cannot rationally have any claim to Justice.

These issues have all been dealt with but atheists, being servants of darkness, would like to pretend otherwise and keep pushing this weakened idea that Christ taught Pauline and not Paleo Christianity to philosophically rot his teachings from the inside out and rob Christ’s Divine followers of their perfect Philosophical heritage. True religion and study of such should not be thought of as “theological” but instead be perfectly rational and thus philosophical even though we understand that when it comes to love of God at some eventual point very high up in the process of attaining this Philosophy herself is lower than Love of God.

Servant_of_God 2 points ago +5 / -3

I don’t mean to be disrespectful but you equate things that aren’t equal like a child would.

Of course people are okay with certain things when their side does it versus the other side because they are the same means to separate ends. Even before Q if you asked a patriotic American “hey would you be okay with martial law for 1 year if it meant every pedo and corrupt politician would be gone after?” You’d be hard pressed to find a lot of “no” if the guarantee of greener pastures came from a trusted source.

The left just sells themselves a lot cheaper “oh if you lock down for 2 years we are implying that maybe we will go back to what you had” there’s no carrot on the end of that stick, it’s all stick and it’s all hit.

Propaganda, Polemics, Strategy (implementation), and Goals are all separate for every movement on the planet. People need to grow up a bit an realize this. Even Christ Himself tailored his message for who he was trying to save and his example is highest.

Servant_of_God 4 points ago +6 / -2

I love how evolution being fake gets lumped in with flat earth. The two aren’t even remotely comparable.

Macro evolution or cells mutating and gaining benefits has practically no evidence and endless evidence to the contrary. Also there’s the fact that when lesser breeds with greater the result is overall a lesser. Say you quantified genetic traits into a number, 1.0 being highest 0.0 being lowest. If a 1.0 and a 0.5 mixed the result is a lowering to 0.75 from 1.0 not a raising. After a while positive genetic traits and good genes are lost permanently and cannot be recovered so we, at a macro scale, can stay the same or recover a bit of what was lost (temporarily) but we can never make permanent genetic gains but CAN make permanent genetic losses. Run the system long enough and it will ALWAYS trend downwards, every ancient civilization understood this and wrote about this as the Age cycle or Yuga Cycle in Sanskrit (I forget the Greek term).