Need to cite your source for this. Not doubting it, exactly, but we should know where this came from before sharing it. So, aside from lack of citation, I wonder what would cause that mid-chart dip (decline and resurgence) in the black line?
The dip around year 2000 can be explained by mobile phones, being able to call paramedics from the crime scene, made a huge impact on the survival rate.
Black culture allows this to happen. If they policed themselves, had fathers taking responsibility for their spawn and discipline, there’d be much less problem.
Black rednecks doesn’t explain why villages in Africa massacre their neighbor villages. Today. It’s cultural. Of course not all of them. But if they policed it within their communities it would be less of an issue.
Though those not at the top choose to participate. African villages sold their neighbors to Jews who used muslims to transport slaves around the world. Mainly to Muslim and European nations. A small percentage to North America.
Besides that, this is per 100,000. Which I’m assuming is total population, doing it internally of the black population that per capita number is only going to climb. Make black murder and violent crime rates even more astonishing. Anyone not completely dumbfounded at the sheer level of murder and violence blacks commit is brain dead.
Data? I know black People by their behaviour in the real world in inhabit not data.
Like you right now, chipping out over someone on the internet stating a simple observation gathered from a life time of sharing a country with blacks and having to walk past them in the street, hear them in the cinema and having to lock my car at night because of their existence.
Of course you know blacks more than I do, you are black and I try my best to avoid blacks. Doesn’t mean that black populations are not a scourge on the western world. What’s there to understand? Blacks are too violent for civilised society and need to be relocated back to the black continent to eat mud cakes in a shit hut and murder each other.
There is nothing white people need to understand, and there is nothing we can do to help you people.
All these apparent amazing blacks you speak of need to step up and help educate the animals of your demographic into behaving some what civilised.
Blacks won’t ever not love committing heinous violent crimes, which is typically done against other blacks. They do it everywhere they go, US, Canada UK Europe Australia and most of all Africa. This is behaviour inherit in them, blacks would benefit from our great awakaening because general standards will increase, but civilised people will benefit the most from them all going to Africa to commit cultural violence amongst themselves.
Yes. they should be thrown in jail.
Do you know why these black thugs are still around???
Because the CIA, Drug Cartels, Cops, Wealthy Elites, and Politicians are pocketing the drug money.
Where do you think the illegal drugs go once they come into the country??
The storage and packaging centers for the drugs are in the inner city.
The runners for the drugs are young black boys.
The thug life is a spinoff from being in the drug business.
You have powerful people that want this illegal business to keep going.
Trump knows this!
This is why he wanted the wall.
He knows the drugs are being brought into these inner cities.
White boys who do drugs.
Don't have to worry about them being packaged and stored in their area.
They just find a black runner to buy from and go home.
Drugs? When the whole jiggabboo world was smoking on a tooka pack, did that 15 year old boy die over the drug trade? Or did he die because he was born across the street from his “ops”? Tribal ware fare for no reason, other than it is all blacks have ever known for the entirety of their existence.
The elites that control governments worldwide have suppressed information, promoted disinformation, stifled many new inventor’s patents because of the risk to their corporations. They control the money. They also promoted division by race with lies, which continues because people reject learning as racist. Why do you think the pharmaceutical corps want to snuff out natural herbal cures? Promote food corporations to feed us processed poisoned foods?
White people & Christians are the most persecuted creed & persecuted racial group in this modern era. That is a fact.
Need to cite your source for this. Not doubting it, exactly, but we should know where this came from before sharing it. So, aside from lack of citation, I wonder what would cause that mid-chart dip (decline and resurgence) in the black line?
This looks plausible, but I would love a source.
The dip around year 2000 can be explained by mobile phones, being able to call paramedics from the crime scene, made a huge impact on the survival rate.
Excellent hypothesis.
My first thought was gangster rap from the 80s and 90s.
Crack *
they will say facts are racist....
Facts aren't racist. But humans are biased when it comes to data.
Data has many points of view.
Biased people will only report the perspective of truth that goes with their emotional biases.
Its those damn KKK rednecks running around shooting unarmed black church volunteers.
Nah.. but the Ukraine Nazis would.
Everyone knows this.
1% of the population of blacks cause most of the crime.
16-36yo black males are responsible for half of all murders.
That is true.
Which represents about 1% of the total black population.
What I mean here.
You need to take the number of murders and divide that by 41,000,000.
That will give you the percentage of blacks causing the crime vs the percentage of blacks not causing the crime.
Black culture allows this to happen. If they policed themselves, had fathers taking responsibility for their spawn and discipline, there’d be much less problem.
And when you save police themselves.
Once the welfare system came into place.
It removed the father from the home.
Once the father was removed.
Everyone knows the CIA brought in drugs and guns into the area.
Not true.
Thomas Sowell's "Black Rednecks, White Liberals" talks about this in detail.
Ghetto black culture is a form of white redneck culture from Slavery time.
Being a thug is not black native culture.
This is why there is a difference between native Africans that come over here. Vs "African Americans".
Most of the crime is caused by "African Americans" and not "Black Africans".
Black rednecks doesn’t explain why villages in Africa massacre their neighbor villages. Today. It’s cultural. Of course not all of them. But if they policed it within their communities it would be less of an issue.
Too many variables to know why.
Especially when the Cabal has stolen resources, destroyed cultures, and rewritten history.
How long has the Cabal been around?
Isn't it true that Rome named "Africa" in the first place?
Been around a long time.
Though those not at the top choose to participate. African villages sold their neighbors to Jews who used muslims to transport slaves around the world. Mainly to Muslim and European nations. A small percentage to North America.
Choices have consequences.
Now drill down into the data.
Take the number of crimes and divide by 41,000,000.
This will give you the good to bad ratio.
Besides that, this is per 100,000. Which I’m assuming is total population, doing it internally of the black population that per capita number is only going to climb. Make black murder and violent crime rates even more astonishing. Anyone not completely dumbfounded at the sheer level of murder and violence blacks commit is brain dead.
Is that all you do all day is talk trash? You like talking shit, don't you?
I know I know.
You will cry and say "These are facts". When you know that the only thing that matters is who we interpret data.
Data? I know black People by their behaviour in the real world in inhabit not data. Like you right now, chipping out over someone on the internet stating a simple observation gathered from a life time of sharing a country with blacks and having to walk past them in the street, hear them in the cinema and having to lock my car at night because of their existence.
How many do you know personally?
Many, how many do I associate with? Very few!!! How many do I lock my car and house at night for? All of them
So then shut the hell up!
You are just pointing the finger.
The left does this.
They accuse without letting the opposition defend themselves in an open debate.
Look. As a people who are not perfect. But I know black people a hell of a lot better than you do.
I also have 100s of white friends both liberal and conservative.
You are just simplifying black people based on observations and simple statistics.
Humans are more complicated than that.
Of course you know blacks more than I do, you are black and I try my best to avoid blacks. Doesn’t mean that black populations are not a scourge on the western world. What’s there to understand? Blacks are too violent for civilised society and need to be relocated back to the black continent to eat mud cakes in a shit hut and murder each other. There is nothing white people need to understand, and there is nothing we can do to help you people. All these apparent amazing blacks you speak of need to step up and help educate the animals of your demographic into behaving some what civilised.
You aren't going to do anything but run your mouth and talk shit.
Now go back to your KKK rally. I am sure you need to wash those white sheets from the night sticking last night.
I have 100s of both black and white friends. Spent a lot of time with both groups.
You are full of shit.
u/OperationGlownigger I am sure you have something colorful to add here.
I know. I know. I will just bow down and pray to my white Gods.
Thanks "Masters" for setting me straight.
Downvote away, masters.
They want us divided.
That’s why they flood the poor areas with drugs and weapons.
Feeding them on a culture of “don’t be like the whypeepo”,
Seeing posts like yours makes me think Q failed their mission.
I’m pretty sure that blacks would really evolve and benefit from the great awakening.
So would you.
Blacks won’t ever not love committing heinous violent crimes, which is typically done against other blacks. They do it everywhere they go, US, Canada UK Europe Australia and most of all Africa. This is behaviour inherit in them, blacks would benefit from our great awakaening because general standards will increase, but civilised people will benefit the most from them all going to Africa to commit cultural violence amongst themselves.
Wait wait. I heard Africa is a garden spot. You mean it’s a shit hole???
And where in Europe is it heaven on earth? Most of Europe isn't some paradise dude.
Euro, Canada, United States, Australia and NZ are all very nice places in areas that blacks and arabs do not inhabit.
Choices have consequences. They chose to admit and invite vermin.
Yes. they should be thrown in jail. Do you know why these black thugs are still around???
Because the CIA, Drug Cartels, Cops, Wealthy Elites, and Politicians are pocketing the drug money.
Where do you think the illegal drugs go once they come into the country?? The storage and packaging centers for the drugs are in the inner city.
The runners for the drugs are young black boys.
The thug life is a spinoff from being in the drug business.
You have powerful people that want this illegal business to keep going. Trump knows this!
This is why he wanted the wall. He knows the drugs are being brought into these inner cities.
White boys who do drugs. Don't have to worry about them being packaged and stored in their area. They just find a black runner to buy from and go home.
Drugs? When the whole jiggabboo world was smoking on a tooka pack, did that 15 year old boy die over the drug trade? Or did he die because he was born across the street from his “ops”? Tribal ware fare for no reason, other than it is all blacks have ever known for the entirety of their existence.
If what you are saying is true. Then why is it that 99% of blacks aren't committing crimes? When 1% is committing most of the crime?
99% of blacks don’t commit crime? HAHA!!!
You are just talking trash.
Take the crime stats and divide it by 41,000,000.
Let me know what you get.
Why would I do that ?
Because there are 41,000,000 blacks in America. We need to take this population.
Then do [CRIME NUMBERS] / 41,000,000 =
This will tell you the percentage of blacks out of the total that is causing the crime.
Have you done the math?
Take the crime stats as I said.
Divide it by 41,000,000.
That will give you the percentage.
So you laughed at me.
Ok.. so i'll wait for your response.
Take the crime stats and divide it by 41,000,000.
Let me know what you get
You there?
It can't be that hard to do the math.
Take the crime stats and divide it by 41,000,000.
Come on. What do you get?
That number would be the percentage of the total group that are the thugs.
Also a re you Swedish? Don’t you have muslims and Africans throwing grenades at each other?
Are you going to answer my simple math question?
Most of the world lived in shit holes before the Industrial Revolution.
You do know that Africa has been invaded several times.
The winner takes the assets and writes the history.
And which ethnic group benefits from this?
I'll wait for an intelligence response.
Because you don't have one.
You think that "Observation" is all you need to make an informed decision.
And you were saying?
And you were saying?
How do you know they didn't invent things? You do understand that patient rights started around July 31, 1790, in America.
You do know that blacks were denied patient rights?
That's only in our country.
What are the patient laws in Africa?
Without patient laws. That means stealing ideas is commonplace.
I am telling the truth.
It was commonplace for ideas to be stolen before patient rights came into place. Also... patient rights usually only stick in their own country.
So if someone overseas sees your idea and steals it back home. There is nothing you can do about that.
We also have to consider marketing and promotion of ideas.
For Example:
Let's say you and I had similar ideas.
We both had a finished product.
If you were the one who got funding to market and promotes it. You would gain credit as the idea originator.
Bill Gates did not invent the first GUI OS. But he got credit for it.
I know.
Because whites are GODS!!!
Why pray to God, when we should bow down the pray to you?
Grow up.
And get over yourself.
I like how some MORTALS think their people are so damn good. That they are Godlike.
99% of any ethnic group are not the Elon Musk types.
99% of any ethnic group will benefit from the 1% of successful innovators.
The elites that control governments worldwide have suppressed information, promoted disinformation, stifled many new inventor’s patents because of the risk to their corporations. They control the money. They also promoted division by race with lies, which continues because people reject learning as racist. Why do you think the pharmaceutical corps want to snuff out natural herbal cures? Promote food corporations to feed us processed poisoned foods?
White people & Christians are the most persecuted creed & persecuted racial group in this modern era. That is a fact.
Watch this clip.
What I have learned about all ethnic groups. It's your own people that are your worst enemies.
Then why do so many people hate blacks as well?
I have already seen this.
This is not new information.
The whole world knows about black boy violence.
If you want to know how to stop it.
That's taking down the deep state like we are doing.
Blacks cannot solve this problem just by saying stop. The wheel of corruption are already in motion.
They want to get rid of natural cures because that's a Western Medicine idea.
Partly, but a certain group corrupted them.
Don’t you mean dirty smelly monkey?
You have to make those name calls a little more sexy!