Zuby ….50% of the population get ANGRY if you Question the FEAR they’re ENJOYING !!😳🤯🤯
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The brain becomes trained to certain chemical responses. In essence it becomes set to "fear" mode or always hyper alert. That starts to feel "normal". Humans want to feel "normal".
When the fear is removed, the person doesn't feel "normal" anymore. Most abused spouses will break down and seek another abusive partner just to feel "normal" again. Say you have a very abusive boss who yells at everyone. One day he goes away for a week. At first there is relief. Yay, he's gone. Soon the drama starts as people try to replace the "fear" that their brain is now hardwired to need.
If a person endures the discomfort for a few months and trains their brain to accept "not being afraid" then they can retrain their brain to live without fear and feel normal.
Most people just can't take it. It feels like they are not themselves when they no longer have that "fear". Essentially you become trained to be a victim and your brain now only feels normal when you have an abuser.
Brainwashing is at heart an identity crisis. A victim defines themselves by their abuser's every whim. In this case the government is the abuser.
Sounds like an anon has some psychology credentials :)
That last paragraph nailed it.
This explains why some of us aren't brainwashable.
That's kind of how I still feel right now. Scared to leave home because I wouldn't know anybody, no safety net. It also almost feels like I still fear my dad, even though he died January 2020. It really, really sucks being a victim of narcissist parents.
Take some classes at your local community college or join a local church. Then you can meet new people in a safe setting. The church can give you a safety net. I had a major problem with my house a few years ago, and people from the church came and fixed it for me for free. Now that we're in a better position, we try to help others.
Another thing you can do is find a good local restaurant and go at least two or three times a week. The waitresses will get to know you. We go to one here, and I give the waitresses twice the tips I used to. They know us and have our usual order memorized. We ate breakfast there this morning and didn't have to tell the girl our order.
If your father is gone, you're the adult now. Take control.
Help others. Others help you. You have a safety net.
you need born again. it resets your life so you lock onto the truth and distraction and pain don't impact you anymore.