He is a huge player actually. Nothing related to Q but he is a world championship kick boxer type guy who a lot of the youth look up to. He works hard and plays hard but preaches busting your butt and having control of your future.
My son is 11 and he and everyone his age know tate as "Top G". Many people we say aren't important are quite literally impacting future generations under our noses. Tate I overall think is a no bs guy who preaches a good message...albeit living a little on the wild side. A little bit of Dan balzerian vibe but self made and all about hard work not just sitting around rich hot women and making your life up like Dan b
Soyboi? Dude was a champ kickboxer who I knew about before he ever became an internet personality. He’s the most googled person in 2022 and massively influential to gen z aged young guys. You may not give a shit but don’t downplay his influence on the world stage right now. You don’t get deplatformed simultaneously on all sites a la Alex Jones unless you are a threat. He’s red pilled more young men than anyone else and what he says about the cabal, Balenciaga and Satanists, Covid etc he’s as based as you can get
Yes who is he and why should we care?
He is a huge player actually. Nothing related to Q but he is a world championship kick boxer type guy who a lot of the youth look up to. He works hard and plays hard but preaches busting your butt and having control of your future.
My son is 11 and he and everyone his age know tate as "Top G". Many people we say aren't important are quite literally impacting future generations under our noses. Tate I overall think is a no bs guy who preaches a good message...albeit living a little on the wild side. A little bit of Dan balzerian vibe but self made and all about hard work not just sitting around rich hot women and making your life up like Dan b
I agree. My son and friends son who are in their 20’s listen to him.
I dont care and even if someone tells me who he is I still wont care. He isnt even a bit player. He is just some random passerby caught in the shot.
You hurt a fanboys feelings you are being downvoted 🤣
People get too invested in personalities. Took a one minute look at him and he screams soyboi plant. Neg away cuz I simply dont give a fuck.
Right on. Never heard of him til 1 minute ago from this post. Seems like a loser/faggot
Invested in personalities. Its programmed for people to do that.
Soyboi? Dude was a champ kickboxer who I knew about before he ever became an internet personality. He’s the most googled person in 2022 and massively influential to gen z aged young guys. You may not give a shit but don’t downplay his influence on the world stage right now. You don’t get deplatformed simultaneously on all sites a la Alex Jones unless you are a threat. He’s red pilled more young men than anyone else and what he says about the cabal, Balenciaga and Satanists, Covid etc he’s as based as you can get
He’s the jock version of Jordan Peterson.
That's a great summary
He is super super popular with young males.
They say he defends masculinity, but he dresses, acts, and talks like a pimp. Has a dozen Ferrari's and flies private plane.
Wouldn't surprise me of it is true.