Holy shit this schizo is off his meds. Now we are bringing comic books from the 80s into the picture to help “decode” LMFAO. If I stare at this shit long enough I could find links to almost anything. It’s like playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon but throwing in every person who has ever watched a Kevin Bacon movie as a link to some random shit.
The Black Hats in the Deep State and the Cabal undoubtedly use mass media and hollywood for coded language. This is undeniable. The very name hollywood is taken from witchcraft in which the branch of a holly tree was used for rituals. They use this movie magic not only to communicate among one another, but also to manipulate and control the masses through targeted propaganda and societal engineering.
If the Black Hats use popular media to communicate and propagate their mission of the domination of society, you can rest assured that the White Hats do as well. The only way to free the minds of the masses who have been brainwashed by popular media is to use the same methods of 5th Gen warfare to undo this damage.
The battlefield has changed. We are no longer existing in a world where guns are the means of war. Today, movies, television shows, comic books, books, magazines, music, youtube, and social media are all means of conducting targeted information warfare against humanity. We here on The Great Awakening are a major front of that warfare. Everyday when we log into this forum, post our memes, decodes, articles, and analysis we are fighting back against a monumental propaganda machine of 5th gen warfare.
This war did not begin in the last decade. It has been going on for many decades, dating back even before the 80s. All media that has been produced since at least WWII is fair game for analysis. The battle between the White Hats and Black Hats has been going on for a long time, and we can trace their communications through the analysis of the popular media of the ages.
We are learning that this war has been going on for a long time. Some parts of this war between good and evil seems to have heated up in the 80's.
The Georgia guidestones (recently destroyed) were built in 1980. Several of the disclosure comics are from the late 80's (V for Vendetta, Sandman, etc.) which coincided with George Bush becoming President after Reagan. Bush was an evil dude (Bush family helped to fund the Nazis in the 30's, plus the whole Skill and Bones secret society thing). The Bush family is part of the DS/cabal.
We need to keep in mind that this war was being fought long before President Trump became involved more recently, and also that it is being fought world wide... the US is only one part of it.
One of the interesting aspects of these decodes is all the links between the disclosure comics from the late 80's to ConPlan 8888 in 2011, the Law of War manual updated in 2016, and our current events in this ongoing war.
I am still left wondering how it is possible to set up all of the "future proves past" links that we see in the decodes of the Q drops...
If you haven’t followed Q and the relationship to the Law of War Manual, then you have no idea. When you research his work - and unless you have followed Q from the outset, you cannot and probably will not understand it. That’s not a bad thing, it just means you don’t have the ability to understand it.
Q# 521 13 Jan, 2018
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
Downvotes incoming I’m sure, but I agree with you to a degree. He had around 5-6 videos that were so fascinating when he initially “broke the code” that Q posts aligned with the LoW manual. Seriously top notch. But the last 2 I’ve seen where it’s related to comic books….just way too bizarre for me. I just don’t see the connection and it’s very Qanon-ish. I’m also willing to hear all sides and admit when I’m wrong. So I’m not totally dissing him. Like you said in another reply, I’m going to live my life and not speculate. Cheers fren
If you look at his videos about MJ12, then him referencing Comic books and movies will make sense. They are what we call disclosures. Where the powers at be disclose information in media to prepare us for what could happen. You already know that the Cabal uses media to signal other Cabal members, and how the use media with secret messaging. Basically it's the same thing but it's for us. Sorry if my explanation isn't good enough.
Stargate SG-1 is thought to be one of the disclosures, for example. V for Vendetta is another. The series 7 decode went into a lot of detail about that comic and movie... it was very enlightening.
I did not know that Resident Evil and Sandman were also disclosures - I will have to check into them a bit more.
Just because mass arrests haven't happened yet, does not indicate that mass arrests will never happen. None of us are prophets. We can decode and map out the plan the best as we can, but the timeline is ever changing. Those who focus on deadlines, goalposts, and dates will inevitably be setting themselves up for disappointment, and will blame those they perceived to be prophets when the events they expected to happen have not happened yet.
Moves and counter moves are the method in which this chess game is played. None of us can say for certain when any of the Law of War counter moves will happen. The point is that we understand what possible counter moves are available to the White Hats on the board at any given time.
K dude you waste time with speculation while I go on with my life not wasting my time. If something ever happens, knowing about it beforehand is entirely useless. This speculation is nothing but a waste of time. It serves no productive purpose.
It serves the purpose of disclosure. Q is giving us a glimpse through the looking glass of the events and happenings that have come to pass, and will come to pass in time. If you desire not to understand the methods and reasons of Q's war against the Cabal, then you are certainly free to carry on with your day to day life. Those of us who desire to learn more, and dig deeper shall continue to do so. Where We Go One, We Go All.
Holy shit this schizo is off his meds. Now we are bringing comic books from the 80s into the picture to help “decode” LMFAO. If I stare at this shit long enough I could find links to almost anything. It’s like playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon but throwing in every person who has ever watched a Kevin Bacon movie as a link to some random shit.
The Black Hats in the Deep State and the Cabal undoubtedly use mass media and hollywood for coded language. This is undeniable. The very name hollywood is taken from witchcraft in which the branch of a holly tree was used for rituals. They use this movie magic not only to communicate among one another, but also to manipulate and control the masses through targeted propaganda and societal engineering.
If the Black Hats use popular media to communicate and propagate their mission of the domination of society, you can rest assured that the White Hats do as well. The only way to free the minds of the masses who have been brainwashed by popular media is to use the same methods of 5th Gen warfare to undo this damage.
The battlefield has changed. We are no longer existing in a world where guns are the means of war. Today, movies, television shows, comic books, books, magazines, music, youtube, and social media are all means of conducting targeted information warfare against humanity. We here on The Great Awakening are a major front of that warfare. Everyday when we log into this forum, post our memes, decodes, articles, and analysis we are fighting back against a monumental propaganda machine of 5th gen warfare.
This war did not begin in the last decade. It has been going on for many decades, dating back even before the 80s. All media that has been produced since at least WWII is fair game for analysis. The battle between the White Hats and Black Hats has been going on for a long time, and we can trace their communications through the analysis of the popular media of the ages.
We are learning that this war has been going on for a long time. Some parts of this war between good and evil seems to have heated up in the 80's.
The Georgia guidestones (recently destroyed) were built in 1980. Several of the disclosure comics are from the late 80's (V for Vendetta, Sandman, etc.) which coincided with George Bush becoming President after Reagan. Bush was an evil dude (Bush family helped to fund the Nazis in the 30's, plus the whole Skill and Bones secret society thing). The Bush family is part of the DS/cabal.
We need to keep in mind that this war was being fought long before President Trump became involved more recently, and also that it is being fought world wide... the US is only one part of it.
One of the interesting aspects of these decodes is all the links between the disclosure comics from the late 80's to ConPlan 8888 in 2011, the Law of War manual updated in 2016, and our current events in this ongoing war.
I am still left wondering how it is possible to set up all of the "future proves past" links that we see in the decodes of the Q drops...
If you haven’t followed Q and the relationship to the Law of War Manual, then you have no idea. When you research his work - and unless you have followed Q from the outset, you cannot and probably will not understand it. That’s not a bad thing, it just means you don’t have the ability to understand it.
Q# 521 13 Jan, 2018
We are at WAR [@].
Do you TRUST the US Military?
Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
Downvotes incoming I’m sure, but I agree with you to a degree. He had around 5-6 videos that were so fascinating when he initially “broke the code” that Q posts aligned with the LoW manual. Seriously top notch. But the last 2 I’ve seen where it’s related to comic books….just way too bizarre for me. I just don’t see the connection and it’s very Qanon-ish. I’m also willing to hear all sides and admit when I’m wrong. So I’m not totally dissing him. Like you said in another reply, I’m going to live my life and not speculate. Cheers fren
If you look at his videos about MJ12, then him referencing Comic books and movies will make sense. They are what we call disclosures. Where the powers at be disclose information in media to prepare us for what could happen. You already know that the Cabal uses media to signal other Cabal members, and how the use media with secret messaging. Basically it's the same thing but it's for us. Sorry if my explanation isn't good enough.
Don’t forget the Matrix.
Stargate SG-1 is thought to be one of the disclosures, for example. V for Vendetta is another. The series 7 decode went into a lot of detail about that comic and movie... it was very enlightening.
I did not know that Resident Evil and Sandman were also disclosures - I will have to check into them a bit more.
Yeah, look into the real Umbrella Corporation for starters, RE early series fan here, blew me away there is a real life counterpart.
IIRC, DoD is recognized in ending credits of each SG1 episode. Not a fan of show, but very aware of the disclosure show presents.
Q mentions Alice and Wonderland. Are you aware what Lewis Carol was involved in??
Maybe that Netflix show Utopia was more true than we thought.
Not familiar, but will look it up tonight
I remember in one of his videos (can't remember which) in order to make some mirrored 8 thing fit he resorted to using a mah jong tile.
Also, he believes in 'the Galactic Federation'.
Cleary a smart dude but even smart dudes can be naive. And sloppy.
The Galactic Federation is real from what I can see. I thought that was common knowledge by now. I had to go outside of GA to find out though.
Just because mass arrests haven't happened yet, does not indicate that mass arrests will never happen. None of us are prophets. We can decode and map out the plan the best as we can, but the timeline is ever changing. Those who focus on deadlines, goalposts, and dates will inevitably be setting themselves up for disappointment, and will blame those they perceived to be prophets when the events they expected to happen have not happened yet.
Moves and counter moves are the method in which this chess game is played. None of us can say for certain when any of the Law of War counter moves will happen. The point is that we understand what possible counter moves are available to the White Hats on the board at any given time.
'mass arrests' aren't coming at all I'm afraid.
You all have ENTIRELY the wrong idea about your military. And you have enormous blindspots when it comes to Q and Trump.
K dude you waste time with speculation while I go on with my life not wasting my time. If something ever happens, knowing about it beforehand is entirely useless. This speculation is nothing but a waste of time. It serves no productive purpose.
It serves the purpose of disclosure. Q is giving us a glimpse through the looking glass of the events and happenings that have come to pass, and will come to pass in time. If you desire not to understand the methods and reasons of Q's war against the Cabal, then you are certainly free to carry on with your day to day life. Those of us who desire to learn more, and dig deeper shall continue to do so. Where We Go One, We Go All.
Yet here you are.