I don't own a gun. My dad and grandmom was proud 2A gun owner.
I recently saw a clip of some thugs coming out of a car to shoot up another car.
In your opinion.
Where in the hell are these thugs getting the guns and repeat bullets?
Do you guys think a gun store owner is secretly selling them on the side?
Where do people get crack cocaine or any other drug? Criminals are going to be criminals. and they will get guns any way they can. Gun control only keeps the law abiding from obtaining a gun.
It is true.
I am thinking the crackdown needs to figure out who is supplying the thug's guns.
There would need to be a massive sting op to do this.
Except they wont. You'll probably get a version of what is happening in Canada. They will progressively ban more and more types of guns until all you are left with is single shot muzzle loaders.
We have gun crime issues in canadian cities. The gov thinks going after law abiding gun will solce this issue for some reason.
Remember your history. The only time government takes away your guns is when they are about to do something you would shoot them for. Also, in history, gun grabs are usually followed by genocide. You cant depend on anyone except yourself for your own protection and that of your family.
There are tons of ways to get a gun, that's why gun control is so retarded. Ammo can be bought by anyone over 18 at loads of places.
Criminals don't go to stores and do background checks, they get their guns off the streets, which are mostly stolen elsewhere and sold in cities out of car trunks and on street corners. I'm a law-abiding citizen, but I could buy find 2 or 3 illegal / stolen firearms this coming weekend if I wanted to...it's not that hard.
I'm not sure what you mean by "repeat bullets" but perhaps you mean a semi-auto pistol that feeds ammo from a magazine? And no, "magazine" does not mean a printed booklet with stories; but a GUN magazine that holds ammunition.
And finally, no, most store owners I know are trying to run a legal business and won't sell firearms "off the books" or out the back door. They have way too much to lose if they did so. The ATF watches gun stores (and gun shows) like hawks.
Well said
Crates of weapons get dropped off in ghettos. Its a thing. Fast and Furious....
I have heard about this. Wasn't sure if it was true.
Gun stores are not selling guns out the back door,by law they have strict accounting and tracking of guns in and out.
That's what I thought. Just wasn't 100% sure.
Criminals steal them or buy them from people who stole them. Gun stores are subject to audit and have to be able to account for all guns that were sent to them. If any "go missing" they lose their dealer's license and livelihood.
This has been my thinking all along.
Some people on this board think that criminals are just low-IQ people who love to kill.
I believe they are produced.
Watch this short video of guns and ammo being made in primitive shops in Pakistan
Then ask yourself what prevents any criminal from doing the same thing here.
If you want to know where many illegal firearms come from- many come from unlocked cars. Traded, sold, used like currency in gangs etc. It blows my mind that people are dumb enough to leave a firearm in an unlocked vehicle but yep, all the time. There was actually a thanksgiving rash of car thefts a few years ago in my neighborhood and a LEO was visiting someone across the street and left his truck unlocked overnight with multiple weapons inside. All stolen but recovered eventually. The Ring video was impressive. Guy gets into the driver’s seat, shuts the door so the light wasn’t on and rifles through the truck. What is worse is that there are kids running around... and it is on the top of my list for stupid things stupid people do.
This may interest you. https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/crime/guns-stolen-unlocked-cars-tampa/67-bf7a418f-3ea6-4693-8dbb-734f09494b1a
But search for other examples- every town/city has a problem with this.
Thanks for the insights.
Buy from private parties:
Over the years, my husband had purchased guns from private parties and from relatives who were upgrading. He did not register them, because he did not see why that was necessary. They were only for self defense. We all (adults) went to the shooting range to practice and he kept them hidden away for emergency use, if needed.
Steal them:
When we went on vacation, our home was broken into and the criminals stole everything (nearly) of value which included all the guns and a stash of ammo.
#1 - stolen guns
#2 - private sales, including straw purchases
#3 - homemade receivers - you can make a polymer handgun receiver with a 3d printer or buy an 80% kit and all you need is a drill and simple tools. All gun parts beside the receiver are not controlled, so barrel, trigger, slide, etc. can be bought with no checks.
#4 Why don't you have a gun? Get a gun!
Don't forget operation 'Fast and Furious'. This is still going on to this day and may be by far the biggest factor. 'Fast and Furious' started within the United States by arming street gangs. It works the same way as pushing drugs. Weapons are also medium of payment.
I am thinking about it.
The "thinking about it" stage is long past. We all need to be armed up, geared up, prayed up, and ready. If you're a first-time gun owner, allow me to suggest one sidearm (a 9mm or .45), a shotgun, AND a long-gun, preferably an AR-15 with basic iron sights or perhaps optics that are zeroed out to 50 or 75 yards. Practice with them, become proficient and loading, unloading, accurately shooting, disassembling and cleaning them. Take care of your firearms, and they will take care of you.
Naw... you dont need a gun. Trust the plan member? All is good. We are just watching a movie and there is no real threat of communist tyrants who want to kill you and enslave your families.
Dont buy a gun. Buy popcorn.
Patriots in control. Enjoy the show.