A small group of R's are fighting a good fight now that they have the opportunity to. If this can get shit done we need done, we can start fighting the RINO's out of other districts and build power easier. Not everyone can be a great leader, but that doesn't mean greatness is only for the ones at the front.
Absolutely, It's just a pattern I've noticed. The push for these kinds of bills and everything only seem to happen when it's only the house or only the senate. Never when all 3 are aligned to some extent. I hope it goes through, all things are possible with God. May His will be done.
If I’m not mistaken, I thought the only time in like 100 yrs all Republicans lined up was Trumps first two years in office? And then it was covered in Rino’s. Well there’s still a lot, but, you know. And if that’s true, it doesn’t disprove your point or anything, and it could still be business as usual. But today’s republicans are different post Trump, no doubt. Not all of them, but MAGA could do some great things. Or, as you say, business as usual. Of course I kinda agree with you for now. They need to prove themselves to the public first, so we’ll see. 👍
How many of us had a clue that the govt was as crooked as it is back when W was president? We were just starting to realize that most journalists and news outlets were full of crap back then. They (politicians] have been playing us for decades which means the uniparty has been in control for a very long time. Sorry for preaching to the choir here.
A small group of R's are fighting a good fight now that they have the opportunity to. If this can get shit done we need done, we can start fighting the RINO's out of other districts and build power easier. Not everyone can be a great leader, but that doesn't mean greatness is only for the ones at the front.
Absolutely, It's just a pattern I've noticed. The push for these kinds of bills and everything only seem to happen when it's only the house or only the senate. Never when all 3 are aligned to some extent. I hope it goes through, all things are possible with God. May His will be done.
If I’m not mistaken, I thought the only time in like 100 yrs all Republicans lined up was Trumps first two years in office? And then it was covered in Rino’s. Well there’s still a lot, but, you know. And if that’s true, it doesn’t disprove your point or anything, and it could still be business as usual. But today’s republicans are different post Trump, no doubt. Not all of them, but MAGA could do some great things. Or, as you say, business as usual. Of course I kinda agree with you for now. They need to prove themselves to the public first, so we’ll see. 👍
Most of W Bush’s first term and the first half of his second term.
How many of us had a clue that the govt was as crooked as it is back when W was president? We were just starting to realize that most journalists and news outlets were full of crap back then. They (politicians] have been playing us for decades which means the uniparty has been in control for a very long time. Sorry for preaching to the choir here.
Whatever happened to the line item veto??