When your bank account reads $0, don't panic and buy into whatever digital currency they try to shove down our throats.
Stay calm, and try to convince everyone to stay calm as well. The Cabal's been planning this for years, just like Covid-19.
Remember, all that money in your bank account doesn't exist. Even if you yank it out tomorrow, the fiat dollar is nothing more or less than rough toilet paper. All you truly have is what you can hold in your hands and defend under your feet. Everything else is just worth what we agree it's worth.
Think rationally. Get some fire wood and canned food. Don't buy into the hysteria.
Here's an idea: Dissolve the government and form a new one. We aren't governed by the Constitution anymore as it is.
About damn time.
When your bank account reads $0, don't panic and buy into whatever digital currency they try to shove down our throats.
Stay calm, and try to convince everyone to stay calm as well. The Cabal's been planning this for years, just like Covid-19.
Remember, all that money in your bank account doesn't exist. Even if you yank it out tomorrow, the fiat dollar is nothing more or less than rough toilet paper. All you truly have is what you can hold in your hands and defend under your feet. Everything else is just worth what we agree it's worth.
Think rationally. Get some fire wood and canned food. Don't buy into the hysteria.
Let's just default on the debt
The only people who would be hurt are those who hold the bonds --- which are mostly banks and bankers.
Problem solved.
Bonus points as they'll never lend the federal government a dime ever again. Thus, no more generational debt!