Everyone involved in the U.S. government involved in this must be arrested, tried and if found guilty, convicted. We have no right interfering in other countries and their elections. It is bad enough that our own are crooked, without instilling crooked elections abroad.
You think you are tired? I started my awakening in 1981 with the assassination attempt on Reagan, the Brady Bill and Bush I ties to the Hinckley family. It went into full gear with amnesty, Gulf War 1 (which my brother participated in and was in Abu Dhabi when the scud hit the barracks), Clinton selling all our tech to China and NAFTA. It became plainly obvious to me with hanging chads, 9/11 and WTC 7.
Some of us have been fighting this fight to wake others for 40+ years. I am only 58, so most of my life I have been called dirty names.
The dawning of coming awake was the JFK hit. I was only 8. My father finished the job when I was 17. This is a marathon and not a sprint. Whatever we were in the past is gone - whatever we will look like in the future is up to us. Their worst nightmare is us awake and they are desperately moving towards full spectrum domination before that happens.
I love what you said, "whatever we were in the past is gone - whatever we will look like in the future is up to us"
This is going to be my new years montra.
Thanks fren.
The web of players was huge and spanned the entirely of the US intelligence apparatus and organized crime - really not much difference between the two.
Everyone involved in the U.S. government involved in this must be arrested, tried and if found guilty, convicted. We have no right interfering in other countries and their elections. It is bad enough that our own are crooked, without instilling crooked elections abroad.
The truth will set us all free. It's coming.
I came to post this. You beat me to it. THANKS
Everything g you see happening I'd planned.
The article is quite OK besides some minor mistakes around the rigged "Elections"
Well we all know the election was as corrupt as the usa elections.
All for their CCP masters, no doubt.
Joe Biden didn't do shit. Hannity-conservatives are top kek.
You think you are tired? I started my awakening in 1981 with the assassination attempt on Reagan, the Brady Bill and Bush I ties to the Hinckley family. It went into full gear with amnesty, Gulf War 1 (which my brother participated in and was in Abu Dhabi when the scud hit the barracks), Clinton selling all our tech to China and NAFTA. It became plainly obvious to me with hanging chads, 9/11 and WTC 7.
Some of us have been fighting this fight to wake others for 40+ years. I am only 58, so most of my life I have been called dirty names.
The dawning of coming awake was the JFK hit. I was only 8. My father finished the job when I was 17. This is a marathon and not a sprint. Whatever we were in the past is gone - whatever we will look like in the future is up to us. Their worst nightmare is us awake and they are desperately moving towards full spectrum domination before that happens.
I love what you said, "whatever we were in the past is gone - whatever we will look like in the future is up to us"
This is going to be my new years montra. Thanks fren.
You are most welcome fren.
I was there and 13 at the time. My Dad said it was Johnson that had him killed.
Johnson knew about it - but he was only small fish in a much bigger swamp. This was CIA and a bunch of underlings.
Yep. He was in on it but the CIA and some in the USSS were involved.
The web of players was huge and spanned the entirely of the US intelligence apparatus and organized crime - really not much difference between the two.
Cut that crazy crap, there is no mask. That's a crazy distraction just like the claims of a flat earth.
I'm going to include that in this as well. It started off with "he has droopy ears, it's jim carrey" to "oh it's a different person, trust us!"