From the article
A government board in the state of Minnesota, the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board, already has removed Mount Rushmore and the four presidents there from its social studies standards.
Also gone are references to Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. And the Magna Carta.
Now the board has moved to the next level, insisting that teachers' licenses in the state will depend on their willingness and ability to indoctrinate students into leftist ideologies.
Word comes from a report in the Federalist that, "The vanguard has advanced again."
The report explained, "The revised teacher licensing rules strike the following from the mathematics standards: 'addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.'"
The replacement? For "all subjects?"
"The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves."
The report said, "It no longer suffices simply to discuss the controversies of radical reform; teachers and students must also become advocates for change."
It cited the instructions that, "The teacher creates opportunities for students to learn about power, privilege, intersectionality, and systemic oppression in the context of various communities and empowers learners to be agents of social change to promote equity."
The report confirmed the licensing board "Will soon require all teachers to be card-carrying Marxists. The card will literally say 'licensed teacher,' but recently approved revisions redefine state licensure in expressly Marxist terms: Academic knowledge is out, and power struggle among the classes is in. To be licensed in Minnesota starting in 2025, every teacher must not merely teach about, but personally advocate, the core tenets of critical race theory and transgender ideology."
The report found that "What is at stake is the nature of knowledge, the future of liberty, and the prospects for a sustainable social order. In a word: civilization," as the new marching orders come from a "solitary administrative judge."
It noted education departments at colleges there now also must document their teaching of those ideologies.
The report noted that dictatorial process through which the standards were imposed – a single administrative judge appointed by the governor.
Objections remain a likelihood, as the "PELSB’s radical rewriting of human nature smacks of a state-imposed religion."
We used to call that "social promotion."
Why are so many things with "social" in the name EVIL?
These people are stupid. It is time to hide not announce your self’s
true, but until the war is over we should never underestimate stupid.
We are graduating in inner city schools degenerates that can’t read or write. These are the same people that destroy our cities and eventually become homeless or in prison.
I think their plan is, we will be the ones homeless or in prison.
Sooooo... How good you are as a teacher is now gagued by how woke your students are, not whether if they're illiterate and stupid.... Got it. Good thing I'm mathematically inclined. My kids are gonna learn physics and geometry from dear old dad. But not chemistry.... I suck at chemistry kek
Home school
How will the students pass their state exams when all they can do is talk about racial problems and count the number of black or brown people?
Well your assumption is they will be able to count.
They just took the elevator down while most of the other jurisdictions in the West are taking the stairs down. I'm a teacher in Toronto and this is our future, I fear.
So they're striking the entire basis for math from the math standards?! Unbelievable.
and their football team sucks too
These kids will be the ones lining us up against the wall.
That is scary.