Liberal looks in the mirror and tells (them)selves:
"You guys have been saving the world, congrats. You guys used less electricity in the evenings, and we switched our bulbs to LED. You guys went on a date with xer last week with xer's polygamy pansexual book club and it was on point. Thanks for being you guys. We couldn't have done it without us. Love is love! except for those racist stupid hillbilly orange man loving bigots."
I am innocent. It was the one-armed man!!!
ya, and he was a "paper hanger" as in wallpaper, and he had "the crabs" or so i heard!!!
Yes seems to be pushing the relativistic you are your own judge stuff
Should be every day.
Liberal looks in the mirror and tells (them)selves: "You guys have been saving the world, congrats. You guys used less electricity in the evenings, and we switched our bulbs to LED. You guys went on a date with xer last week with xer's polygamy pansexual book club and it was on point. Thanks for being you guys. We couldn't have done it without us. Love is love! except for those racist stupid hillbilly orange man loving bigots."
“I judge myself as justified in everything I have done....whew this judgment day stuff is pretty easy”
I thought that was August 29th🐸
As opposed to festivus...where you air grievances against others.
Mirrors double the amount of CO & CO2 you can see ... so they greatly increase pollution and need to be outlawed. 😁
the 17th, you say ... huh. I really like that number for some reason.
Judgement day. Would be great justice this would be the day those attending WEF are put in handcuffs