Hannity is a slithering viper and deepstate tool who pretended to support Trump, then turned coat and declared the election totally fair and honest, with no evidence of fraud
Meanwhile the LAW considers sworn testimony of witnesses as EVIDENCE ADMISSIBLE IN COURT. Criminals have been put away for life on the testimony of a single witness.
It would be great if he gave the sudden order in his earpiece to Arrest Them All! As in start arresting each attendee Muhuhuhuhahahahaaa!
Yes because the FBI director doing something good and right and courageous is the totally normal, expected thing. The FBI is the GOOD guys!!!
/complete s
~ Sean Hannity
Hannity is a slithering viper and deepstate tool who pretended to support Trump, then turned coat and declared the election totally fair and honest, with no evidence of fraud
Meanwhile the LAW considers sworn testimony of witnesses as EVIDENCE ADMISSIBLE IN COURT. Criminals have been put away for life on the testimony of a single witness.
We have over five hundred such affidavits.
Edited/fixed to clarify haha. ;)