Trump must have known... HOWEVER.. in saying that that the vaccines were harmful the msm would have crucified him on the spot..... just like they did when he mentioned hcl or ivm.... they even made up fake "studies" Lancet report to "show" ; how dangerous the drugs were... even though they were widely used for decades. remember all the "horse-paste" bashing stories??? No matter what Trump did... the msm went the opposite way... and so did the masses of sheep. the sad truth is that people around the world are so damned asleep from the tune of the media from decades of programming that Trump and the Patriots new that some would ultimately need to die.... (the precipice)... BEFORE people would change and wake the hell up! most of us on this board knew that the china virus was garbage and that they were killing people with their drugs... now the fog of war is slowly lifting and people are waking up... and seeing the dead.... now people will be willing to change..... sadly, some won't... we all have those people in our families.... we can only help those that want to be helped.
If that's true, Q knew the vaccines were harmful and thus that means Trump does too.
Trump must have known... HOWEVER.. in saying that that the vaccines were harmful the msm would have crucified him on the spot..... just like they did when he mentioned hcl or ivm.... they even made up fake "studies" Lancet report to "show" ; how dangerous the drugs were... even though they were widely used for decades. remember all the "horse-paste" bashing stories??? No matter what Trump did... the msm went the opposite way... and so did the masses of sheep. the sad truth is that people around the world are so damned asleep from the tune of the media from decades of programming that Trump and the Patriots new that some would ultimately need to die.... (the precipice)... BEFORE people would change and wake the hell up! most of us on this board knew that the china virus was garbage and that they were killing people with their drugs... now the fog of war is slowly lifting and people are waking up... and seeing the dead.... now people will be willing to change..... sadly, some won't... we all have those people in our families.... we can only help those that want to be helped.
The truth will out. ThT should have been the policy.