These chemtrails are everywhere now, maybe they always were. I talk about them at a unhealthy rate, publicly now. I’ve got some guys who say it is just the sun reflection/time of day as to why some jets show them and other do not. Except the other day, two jets were almost side by side. One was heavily jet trailed, the other nothing. But of course ….”well one jet is higher than the other”…..
…..after a a few moments of silence I responded in kindly “they gon kill’is all!”
That SHIT pukes outta the back of jet liners 24/7 - 360. AND ; the planes puking that filth fly at 40,000 feet. ( IOW - Military. ) QUESTION ? - where are all the tree hugging LeftTards screaming "Global Warming / Cooling" on "Chemical Trails" ? Pretty lame "YOU" making an excuse that it is just winter time ice particle's. Iceman80 is full of icy chemtrail bullshit. ( AKA - Science Denier ) ( AKA - Shill. )
Let's hope so. They are really bad in the UK, sick of while/grey skies and little sun.
Its so dispiriting, my energy levels plummet.
These chemtrails are everywhere now, maybe they always were. I talk about them at a unhealthy rate, publicly now. I’ve got some guys who say it is just the sun reflection/time of day as to why some jets show them and other do not. Except the other day, two jets were almost side by side. One was heavily jet trailed, the other nothing. But of course ….”well one jet is higher than the other”…..
…..after a a few moments of silence I responded in kindly “they gon kill’is all!”
Or could be that they want you to think they are normal
For the doubters look up OP popeye. it was tech we had fifty years ago. It aint bullshit
Can we all acknowledge that vapor contrails are a naturally-ocurring phenomenon, and not every white line in the sky is part of a DS operation?
Also, I move that we come up with a better word than "chemtrails." They're releasing more than just chemicals into the atmosphere.
Contrails linger for different lengths of time depending on weather conditions.
Daily mail current headline is about Biden family making deal w China. Found on Hunter's laptop!
Coldest time of the year indicates frozen jetliner exhaust.
Wrong. It's always cold up high.
That SHIT pukes outta the back of jet liners 24/7 - 360. AND ; the planes puking that filth fly at 40,000 feet. ( IOW - Military. ) QUESTION ? - where are all the tree hugging LeftTards screaming "Global Warming / Cooling" on "Chemical Trails" ? Pretty lame "YOU" making an excuse that it is just winter time ice particle's. Iceman80 is full of icy chemtrail bullshit. ( AKA - Science Denier ) ( AKA - Shill. )