Several people on here and in our sphere of influence (including Musk) have brought this up. And I feel like it's an often overlooked, yet glaring problem. Even after we win and defeat the cabal once and for all, it's all for nothing if we just all end up like literally every southeast Asian nation.
Population Crunches and demographic collapses can turn even the most prosperous and flourishing economies into a living hell. Look at Japan and South Korea. Full time work is basically not a thing. Young people are stuck bouncing from part time job to part time job just to scrounge up a meager existence to support themselves, let alone a family. Combine that companies abusing employees (even worse than here in the USA), and you have pretty much everyone experiencing a living hell on the daily.
And I'm not even getting into the strain on the social nets like medicare and social security. When three quarters of your population are retired and not working, while only a quarter are working, that creates a near infinite number of problems.
People talk about populations leveling out at a lower level and then experiencing small-moderate growth, while replacing the cheap labor force with AI and robots, but let's be reasonable. This is basically what the cabal wants. Stuff like that eventually leads to UBI and other socialist programs because not everyone is inclined towards a desk type job. Some people are better at working with their hands.
So what do you all think the solution is? I've seen everything from there's no reason to worry because we're going to experience a second baby boom fueled by the new Christian religious wave (The fifth great awakening) combined with controlled legal immigration, to copying the Hungarian model (which seems to be working since their birth rates are up), to it doesn't matter since the population numbers being reported aren't true in the first place.
Also, please no "the jab is gonna kill everyone" comments. Realistically, if everyone jabbed (60%+ in most countries) dies in the next few years, we'll have this exact same problem, but with a much shorter horizon to act. Meaning it'll be next to impossible to prevent societal collapse in the post cabal world. So if that's true, then there's basically no point in fighting since we'll just end right back where we were pre cabal.
Personally I think the controlled legal immigration and religious fueled baby boom scenario seems the most likely, but I figured we might as well pool our autistic brains together and discuss it.
Not to be overly doomy, but I've given up hope on ever having a family, owning my own house, being able to purchase a new car, or finding an occupation in which I feel like I'm actually doing something with my life.
All those things were stolen from me, well before I was even born. This depopulation plan of theirs has been in the making for quite some time. To think it was just a spur of the moment decision is short-sighted.
I have no children, nor legacy to leave behind. I'd be surprised if even a single soul shows up to my funeral, and not on account of me being cruel...
But because I, like everyone else my age, have no time for friendships. Everyone is just an acquaintance. Nothing meaningful exists in social interaction anymore, and I think that largely has to due with the state of Social Media and their reach into the lives of the modern world.
There simply isn't time -- no time to salvage anything to rebuild with. No time to find someone willing to be unbrainwashed by the modern world, with modern values, and modern debts they will never pay off. Everyone my age, in the millennial generation, is a slave and we already own nothing.
So of course I'm dooming for myself. Gen Z has a chance, because they still have a life they can seize. Mine was taken long ago, now lost to a small frame of time where everyone my age was successfully converted to a state of objective insanity. No family, no friend, can be had with this generation and you'll be hard-pressed to find it even in Gen Z going forward. They must act now to avoid the despair that is the millennial sinkhole.
That's where we are. A generation lost to this freakshow, and some of us can't turn back the clock to escape it even if we managed to avoid the cultish pitfalls of the era.
So, no... There's not gonna be a sudden reversal of this population collapse. By the time we can unwire the brains of fertile women unaffected by the jab, they'll already be menopausal. No babies to be had. Gen Z is our only hope. If they fail, and if we fail them, there will be no America, whether or not we succeed in destroying the Globalists and their New World Order.
Hate to say it, but getting rid of the internet, cellphones and computers is the only way to unfuck this. Go back to pre-1970's
That's a catch-22. The only reason we're able to come out from under their heel is because, due to these computer systems, truth is finally keeping pace with the lies. If not for the internet, they'd still securely be in charge of the narrative, just like always.
The world we're coming into is not gonna look like anything we can imagine, because we've never actually been free before. The pre-'70s were still years of the Slave Era of humanity. We're just now entering the Freedom Era.
I agree, Modern Technology is here to stay. The Internet is sole reason we've slipped out of the cabal's tight grasp of the public's opinion.
I think at the end of all this we are going to see all the corporate globalist establishments fall and new citizen owned populist ones built atop the ashes
I agree. Unfortunately not making personal connections with the opposite sex, the online porn, etc has greatly contributed to this
Their lies never took such widespread hold until the internet. The average person 2 generations ago was unfathomably based compared to us.
They may have been based, but they had no clue just how deep the corruption ran. I'm not saying the internet is all good, but it's not all bad either. The more luxuries they allow themselves, the more luxuries we, too, can get ahold of. Their biggest mistake in all this is letting the slaves use the tools of the masters -- in a bid to make more whips, they taught the slaves to make whips. Now we have the whips, they are panicking to put the genie back in the bottle.
The Great Reset is a reset back to before the internet -- back to before they lost control of the levers of power.
Again, our ancestors may have been more based, but they were also more gullible.
Sleepy, I've read all the posts and can agree and disagree with many responses. So take a minute and read mine. The decline started with the cellphones; google, facebook and followed by tik tok etc.
As cruel as it may seem, I believe the "cure" to the worlds problems could lie in the end of the cell phone as we know it. I agree that a "phone" is great to have in the case of an emergency, so going back to the old flip phones that did NOT have texting, but only actual phone calls, would alleviate 95% of the problems we now have regarding communication via cell phones.
This would also allow people to actually HELP people in trouble instead of recording it for who in the hell knows what.
As far as the internet issues...I have a few remedies which will NOT ever be done because this Country is too stupid to do what needs to be done. But just in case here are my remedies...
Until we have a judiciary willing to abide by the Constitution folks, then do what we have been told to do years ago....bend over and kiss your world goodbye!
I frankly have done that without bending over. This world is over and done with unless millions of people demand justice and I do not see it coming.
The "Plan" not in my lifetime, folks. Not in my life time.
That's exactly what we have now in many countries, though.
It's backwards. WHO determines what is propaganda and what isn't? WHO determines what is true and what is false?
That's the problem. Our Media IS controlled by the government. We aren't at the point of arrests yet, but that's what they're trying for.
FREE PRESS is what the Founding Fathers touted. The Corporate-Hedonism we are dealing with right now is the loophole that they've spent centuries to arrive at to dance around the First Amendment. The Founding Fathers set up the Second Amendment to resolve the exact issues we face now. They, too, found loopholes around that, with their crown jewel being the Patriot Act which gives them power to call anyone a "domestic terrorist" should they resort to the bullet box to protect the First Amendment.
As far as the phones go, you can't get rid of them. They are here to stay. If we ban them in the US, other countries will use them and take us to the rinser economically. Same thing goes for android workmen. As soon as they can get a bot in the place of a man, it doesn't matter if you ban it so long as a place like China, whose moral compass is all fucked up, is willing to double down to become the Number 1 power in the world.
The only option is to never let these inventions out to begin with. Problem there, however, is that's exactly what the Khazarian Mafia has done all along. Their first and last battlefield is the patent office. Always has been. They kill you, steal your invention, steal your legacy, and shove it out as their own or sit on it among a hoard of other suppressed inventions until they see it worthy to release upon the world for their own luxury.
That's what the Eye of Providence upon the Pyramid symbolizes. A hoard of "bricks" which are inventions upon which Civilization rests as a foundation set aside and overseen by the All-Seeing eye which "provides" should you be a good little slave.
Again, it's impossible at this point to see what the future will hold, simply because we are castrated technologically by these patent thieves. Med beds could very well be the least of the revolutionary inventions they've been sitting on like Fafnir upon his hoard of gold.